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Iran's Khamenei has dictated that cartoon women must wear the hijab.
It's not required by the Islamic faith, so it is purely a cultural requirement.

If the covering of women is to save the women from urges that the men can't control ... what the hell are men's intentions with cartoon women??
Or is it that a man will have urges and go looking to satisfy them with the nearest woman?

Are Iranian men genetically different from other moslem men, and all other men? Or, is this how all men feel, but are culturally trained to not behave??


LizZyG 5 Feb 26
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Infuriating! Absolutely without any ''socially redeeming" factor!

I've traveled in many Islamic countries and have always been interested in the lives of the women who live there--not just because Islam doesn't much care about honoring the lives of these women, but also because it's not in any way "policitcally correct when looking at the live led by one of the greatest Black entertainers of our time!

First...let me shut down the ''politically correct' mob who want to censure me for my ''lack of sensitivity." These obseratvions are interpreted based on my life as a woman in the Western world

Theyve enlightened me--WOUNDED me and frustrated me, based on what I"ve experienced, both in and outside homes.

Here's what I've seen. Women in the nations I"ve visited (I'll provide a list if you'd like) have no choice whatsoever in their life and, what's really WRENCHING is this...they prepare their daughters for a life exactly like their own--well, well...good luck!
I know. I know.)

Certainly...there are many women who have died from a non-adherence to the Muslim ''code.' And there are many who have run away, to save their own lives.

Meanwhile, I continue to support the women's health care institute created and managed by EDNA ADNAN!...a marvelous woman who trains midwives, provides contraceptves

LucyLoohoo Level 9 Feb 28, 2021

Will this work?

St-Sinner Level 9 Feb 26, 2021

Sorry...I just saw this!'ll work! Lots of make up and perfume....and that's exactly what you'll see in Muslim countries. Women living in a culture which STOMPS on their femininity/self-expression/freedom must find a way to hide their faces....and their identities....because, of course, they are not important!


Men are a mystery to me. Men in this culture can be pretty weird too.

Theresa_N Level 8 Feb 26, 2021

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Posted by KilltheskyfairySick of it!!!

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