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James Taylor - Atheist

On this date in 1948, musician James Vernon Taylor was born in Boston, then grew up in Chapel Hill, N.C. He first took up the guitar while at Milton Academy, a boarding school in Massachusetts. He began writing songs during an early bout with depression in 1965 and became addicted to heroin, a habit he had kicked by the mid-1970s.
Taylor's breakthrough album was Sweet Baby James (1970) and his best-known song was "Fire and Rain," which stayed in the Top 10 from 1970-72. "You've Got a Friend" (1971), written by Carole King, was his first No. 1 hit. Rolling Stone magazine has called Taylor "the archetypal 'sensitive' singer/songwriter of the seventies" and The New York Times dubbed him "a Troubadour from the 70s."
Every album he released from 1977 to 2007 sold over 1 million copies. He enjoyed a resurgence during the late 1990s and 2000s, when he recorded some of his most-awarded work, including "Hourglass," "October Road" and "Covers." He achieved his first No. 1 album in the U.S. in 2015 with "Before This World," his 17th studio recording. "Hourglass" (1997), contains "spirituals for agnostics," Taylor has said. The song "Up From Your Life" begins "God's not at home."
Taylor has done benefits for numerous charitable causes. He wrote some of the songs for the Broadway musical "Working" based on the work of Studs Terkel, and appeared as a truck driver in the PBS version of the play.
He was married to singer Carly Simon from 1972-83 and had a daughter, Sally, and a son, Ben, with her. He married Kathryn Walker in 1985 and divorced in 1995. In 2001 he married Caroline "Kim" Smedvig, director of marketing for the Boston Symphony. That same year they had twin sons, Henry and Rufus, born via surrogate.
"My father was an atheist, as distinguished from an agnostic. He felt that anyone who suggested that they represented God was to be deeply distrusted, that anyone who opened his mouth saying that he represented anything divine was a charlatan," Taylor told music journalist Paul Zollo in a 2009 interview. Asked if he shared that feeling, Taylor said, "Sure, that’s what I was given as a set of beliefs from my father."
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Killtheskyfairy 9 Mar 12
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Posted by KilltheskyfairySick of it!!!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyOn this date in 1941, Nora Ephron was born in New York City, the eldest of four daughters of Phoebe (Wolkind) and Henry Ephron, Jewish screenwriters.

Posted by KilltheskyfairyDangerous, indeed.

Posted by KilltheskyfairyOn March 25, 1934, feminist leader and journalist Gloria Steinem was born in Toledo, Ohio, to Leo and Ruth (Nuneviller) Steinem.

Posted by KilltheskyfairyWisconsin Supreme Court is right to limit religious exemption.

Posted by KilltheskyfairyGood job!!!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyJames Taylor - Atheist On this date in 1948, musician James Vernon Taylor was born in Boston, then grew up in Chapel Hill, N.

Posted by RobecologyHappy Birthday "meat head"! Rob Reiner's birthday in today, March 6, 1947. Here's his wiki bio;[] and here's his Twitter "freethought"

Posted by RobecologyA short-lived agnostic; Rosa Luxemburg was born March 5 1871. Here's her bio; [] and here's her "Tweet" from FFRF;

Posted by RobecologyI've been out of sorts; recovering from a fall and stroke; but here's an Agnostic American known as Natalie Angier, who had a birthday February 16th (1956) here's her Wiki bio; ...

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Posted by RobecologyYoung Charles Dickens only lived to be 58 years old; yet was an agnostic of great influence! February 7 is his birthday! Here's his Wiki bio; [en.

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Posted by RobecologyHappy 95th Birthday Jules Fieffer! An agnostic who still "rocks"!! []

Posted by RobecologyGood morning fellow Agnostics! Home from the hospital after several days.

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