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I have a question for everyone that I think is kind of interesting. It is concerning when and why the lord our 🎁od cast lucifer from heaven. My question is " during this entire event, how long did it take for Lucifer to actually become Satan. I have my own answers, but I want to see if there are others that are more interesting than mine.

SeanCamp 3 Mar 16
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I was never "cast out" of Heaven, as there isn't any such place. I was asked to watch over Earth from the surface, and therefore had to leave my place among the heavens (this is where the confusion comes from) to do so. Also, I am not Satan. Satan is a whole different myth, and the Christians just decided to consolidate boogeymen to save all the time it would take to distinguish between them all so they'd know who to blame... much the same way the consolidated entire pantheons of gods into one so they could maximize their influence among their potential slaves.

Lucifer Level 6 June 12, 2019

No it's not interesting.
If you can prove there is this gawd of yours please do so, and since it hasn't been approved yet this entity does not exist in reality, just in ones gray matter.

TonyGeloso Level 1 Mar 28, 2019

The wink of God's eye. 😉

Heraclitus Level 8 Mar 16, 2019

I came across a guy who believes Satan is the good god and jehovah is the evil god. Years later I came across the Urantia book and it is along these same lines.

But to your question, the casting out had to occur before the creation because Satan was in the garden in the first week. Speculating here, but gawd is butt hurt 1/3 of his angels left him and decided to create a new of worshipers. And assuming time began on the first day, the rebellion had to have occured before time started.

JohnWay Level 5 Mar 16, 2019

Go back and read your bible; It is obvious that it took trillions of years for Lucifer to "come out":as Satan.

Outlier Level 7 Mar 16, 2019

Actually, it took about ten thousand years to set the record straight that I'm not, nor ever have been, Satan. What? I was busy. And I don't like to be rushed.


I think he changed from Lucifer to Satan the same way Smeagol changed to Gollum.

brentan Level 8 Mar 16, 2019

Not quite. The two of us are actually nothing alike, but our names are used interchangeably...

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