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Frank here, a life member of FFRF, just saying hey to all.

RosszFiu 4 May 2
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Enjoy being online again!

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I am so grateful for FFRF! and this website.


Welcome Frank. ffrf is probably my favorite.

freeofgod Level 8 May 2, 2019

Thanks for the welcome. ffrf feels good to me, too. Peace.


great organization . and welcome

Indeed, and thanks, my friend.


Hiya, Frank! You'll be VERY MUCH at home here!

Thanks for the warm welcome, Lucy dear!

Several of us attended the FFRF convention in SF last November. Were you there?

@LucyLoohoo Alas, no. I have yet to attend a national conference. I hope to change that this fall! It would indeed be super cool to meet in person. Cheers!

@FJPeter I'm confused about where you are. Next convention is in, if you're in New shouldn't be too far away. SAVE MONEY! See you there~

@LucyLoohoo Ha! Thanks for asking! I have a house in Albuquerque, but live in Budapest two or three months each year... At this very moment I am in Berlin... and to add to the mystery, i am strongly inclined to sell my house and pickup truck and living a minimalist lifestyle nowhere and everywhere! At any rate, my plan is to attend the next convention. It would be so very awesome to meet you there!

@RosszFiu What an interesting life. Is it work which moves you around? Or did you win a giant lottery? 🙂


Hi. Welcome aboard!

brentan Level 8 May 2, 2019

Thanks, Brentan!


Hello Hello Frank, I love FFRF

St-Sinner Level 9 May 2, 2019

Hey there, T. FFRF is the only organization I belong to these days. Cheers!

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Posted by KilltheskyfairySick of it!!!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyOn this date in 1941, Nora Ephron was born in New York City, the eldest of four daughters of Phoebe (Wolkind) and Henry Ephron, Jewish screenwriters.

Posted by KilltheskyfairyDangerous, indeed.

Posted by KilltheskyfairyOn March 25, 1934, feminist leader and journalist Gloria Steinem was born in Toledo, Ohio, to Leo and Ruth (Nuneviller) Steinem.

Posted by KilltheskyfairyWisconsin Supreme Court is right to limit religious exemption.

Posted by KilltheskyfairyGood job!!!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyJames Taylor - Atheist On this date in 1948, musician James Vernon Taylor was born in Boston, then grew up in Chapel Hill, N.

Posted by RobecologyHappy Birthday "meat head"! Rob Reiner's birthday in today, March 6, 1947. Here's his wiki bio;[] and here's his Twitter "freethought"

Posted by RobecologyA short-lived agnostic; Rosa Luxemburg was born March 5 1871. Here's her bio; [] and here's her "Tweet" from FFRF;

Posted by RobecologyI've been out of sorts; recovering from a fall and stroke; but here's an Agnostic American known as Natalie Angier, who had a birthday February 16th (1956) here's her Wiki bio; ...

Posted by RobecologyYesterday, Monday, February 12, was the birthday for Judy Blume! born February 12, 1938 A very important Agnostic!

Posted by RobecologyYoung Charles Dickens only lived to be 58 years old; yet was an agnostic of great influence! February 7 is his birthday! Here's his Wiki bio; [en.

Posted by RobecologyThomas Paine; born a "Pain".

Posted by RobecologyHappy 95th Birthday Jules Fieffer! An agnostic who still "rocks"!! []

Posted by RobecologyGood morning fellow Agnostics! Home from the hospital after several days.

Posted by RobecologyHappy January 14th birthday, Mr. Bond! []

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