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Lemme ask you guys

Have you noticed when you sit, you always sit with one leg tucked up under you? I remember reading that most people with fibro do that, and my mom and I do, but I can't find any information about it.

I wanted to show my boss that it's actually a thing, that sitting 'properly' makes me incredibly uncomfortable. She's always harping on me about my posture

LadyAlyxandrea 8 June 25
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When I had a chair that could be adjusted in five points I could sit properly. Right now I've got my legs crossed cobbler style. Weird?

RavenCT Level 9 June 25, 2018

I switch almost every 15 minutes but I always sit in my work chair with one foot on a foot stool and one up under my leg

@LadyAlyxandrea I suspect it takes some pressure off the lumbar spine. But I'm not certain.

I know I adapt around my lower back way better then I do around my cervical issues. (sigh)

@RavenCT I think it's the compression on my muscles. I have bad RLS and I think it helps that


Eff what other people ‘think’ we ‘should’ do! I sit however makes me comfortable and so that nothing goes numb.
I sit that way, too; also I move a lot and change position often. I know I’m more hostile than I need to be, but it’s so freeing to just not care what others think/say. When they live in my body, maybe I can listen to them.

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Posted by Michael64Hey all. Sorry been away so much happened so fast I needed to take care of me. I hope all are well.

Posted by LadyAlyxandreaPro-tip, look extra awesome by color coordinating your nails with your brand new handicap placard

Posted by Michael64Does this cover it?

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