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Am I just 'wishful thinking' or does it seem to y'all that a young audience is growing for well performed music from the 20's-40's? Tony Bennett/Lady Gaga, for example..

Personal take has been for years that the gradual machining of music to water tortuous perfection by computerized/synthesized sounds has been squeezing the 'life' out of music. By definition music is a product of people and resonates better with little to no machining. Not that strict tempo can't swing; it sure did in England in the 30's.

Anyway, this seems a good place to get feedback.

Silver1wun 7 Nov 15
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This is a great question. I think the recent Bennett/Gaga recordings are just another retro fad similar to the ones created by Amy Winehouse and Michael Buble.

I agree with your personal take about the lack of quality in modern music. I don't think machines are to blame though. I think the consumer is to blame. Consumers want music to be free or at least ultra cheap. So the industry responded with a business model comprised of formulaic, sparsley composed music which is digitally produced at very low cost.

Have you ever heard of a Loss Leader business model? See the first link for a detailed explanation. Loss leader is a strategy that basically gives away a widget in order to profit from a related product. Flashlights and batteries are good examples of the loss leader business model. In this case flashlights are sold at very low cost with no profit added. But the batteries needed to operate the flashlight are sold with a large profit added.

This seems to be the business model currently used in the music industry. Music is produced and sold at very low cost (like the flashlight). But the artist's live performance tickets are sold with a large profit added (like the battery). There are of course nuances that exist which are elaborated in the second link of my response.



kensmile4u Level 8 Nov 15, 2021

Thank you,
that accounts for the business end and mass production of digitally reproduced sounds.

Being a 'buff', I realize prejudices me on the topic. I've noticed how people react to some of the music both recorded and live. Live bands with only electrical amplification and 'engineering' resonate with people in noticeably strange ways. Recordings can as well STIR people and they often don't even notice until they're involuntarily or automatically responding to what they hear.

Two examples of recorded music never fail to get people absentmindedly 'moving', catching themselves and even feeling a bit awkward about it. I love to play one of them, a common standard, in bars on those internet 'juke boxes'. Benny Goodman's 'Sing, Sing, Sing'. Another, even though a bit scratchy is Henry Hall's BBC Dance Band's rendition of 'Anything Goes', can only find it on youtube. Street groups like Tuba Skinny and their all acoustic, varying ensemble also captivates passers-by.

The concert angle is probably a good way to 'get the pulse' on audience demographics to investigate if there is a strong movement away from the screaming and jumping around with guitars to sound beds or only short-lived fads. That the fads have been perennial and similar in their content could be a clue in itself. Rod Stewart's stab at it was well received and he did very little with phrasing or stylizing.

Sure would like to see concerts take-off. 'There is a place in downtown LA called The Cicada Club that is enormously popular with buffs and locals. It was built in 1927 and has been preserved. They feature period (20's-40's' ) and special genre groups to sell-out crowds.

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