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A small slice of Liverpool scene. Joey Shields and the Wheels
Joey is a legend in Liverpool. Almost every musician has worked for him or knows him. Most of them are either owed money or have been ripped off. Yet he has kept his show on the road for decades. Just like the battered old land rover he maintains with chewing gum and string. His band "The Wheels" are replaceable yet he trundles on. A certain grudging respect has to be accorded to any professional musician who gets gigs week in and week out for that long.
Here is an anecdote that my friend told me recently. Joey is driving past a pub on the other side of the river, where he sees another bands poster in the window. He enters the pub and talks to the manager. "I see youve got -------- booked for Friday. You know that they have split up don't you?"
"No, they did last Friday and have not phoned me to cancel"
"Ah well they have split and won't show. Btw we are free this Friday if you want to book us?"
"Okay sure thanks for letting me know. Youre on. See you on Friday"
Joey and his band arrive early on the night and set up. They are almost ready for the first set by the time --------- get there. Astonished to see Joey and his band in their place they complain but the manager says "What can I do these guys are already here "
Like it or not. That kind of chutzpah deserves respect.

273kelvin 8 Jan 7
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