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Funny how things go sometimes. I'm getting back into playing bass after a fairly long hiatus and for a band to . I've played a lot of different styles over the years, but this time around, I really wanted to try playing metal. Specifically downtuned slow riffy doom metal. I traded in my Fender Jazz for a 5 string Stingray so I could tune to C Standard without losing too much string tension, and tried out for one band that just didn't work out. In the meantime I've been posting ads and practicing whenever I have a spare minute. Not too many hits on the metal front at all, at least not ones that could work logistically. But last night I got a hit from another site from a keyboardist/singer who is for an upright player for a jazz/soul project. Totally not what I was for, but it could be an opportunity to gig out with some serious players and I think I'm going to at least need to give that a shot. Of course, I haven't played my electric upright in a couple of years and I'm rusty as hell on it, but I'm forward to dusting it off!

BassManSpaceMan 5 Nov 19
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Posted by BDairNew tuning machines on my axe.

Posted by CaptainNavarro([]

Posted by CaptainNavarroA year ago Dactilomatig released an album called ([dactilomatig.

Posted by BDairI'm having trouble with my barre chords.

Posted by tipiMerry terraseasonal holidays! Happy United Solstices! Happy HumanLight Day.

Posted by jasenSpace in music.....

Posted by BassManSpaceManI got a new toy with the Guitar Center card my inlaws gave me! It's an Akai Mini MkII MIDI controller.

Posted by BDairWeapons of Mass Percussion

Posted by BassManSpaceManI recorded this today on my Ipad while visiting my inlaws. It's a doomy cover of a Donovan song. Hope you enjoy it! [] doommetal donovan garageband

Posted by SenorRottenWhat the music business is really like -

Posted by BassManSpaceManNew bass pix! Original post got deleted because I described it in a more colorful way than was allowed.

Posted by BassManSpaceManNew bass pix! Original post got deleted because I described it in a more colorful way than was allowed.

Posted by BassManSpaceManNew bass pix! Original post got deleted because I described it in a more colorful way than was allowed.

Posted by BassManSpaceManNew bass pix! Original post got deleted because I described it in a more colorful way than was allowed.

Posted by BDairJammin' the Satanic Trance Grooves.

Posted by jasenWe probably don't have to worry about "Voodoo Chile" slight return.....

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