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What do you think about "helpers", ie auto tuners, and what I "band in a box"? Personally I detest them.

nvrnuff 8 May 2
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I don’t like anything that means it doesn't matter what you play or sing, the tech will sort it out. Or even if you’re not playing ir singing at all.
Use all the effects you want for tone etc, but anything that takes your place - NOPE!

I couldn't agree more.

@nvrnuff I’m not including loopers and such - not sure if you included them. They’re fine as long as the loops are done live. Backing tracks and stuff are ok for solo performers, duos etc, but best if done by the people actually performing.


I was a purist, using only acoustic guitars and drums when I was young, insisting on "real".
Now I figure spend hours and days in a studio arguing, or do it at home with five or six programmes on my computer and get exactly what I want in a matter two or three hours.... sod reality.


Most of EDM and half of Hip Hop tracks are purely synthetic. I know because i have mixed and mastered many of these projects. This programmed sound is preferred by the producers and the intended audience. I'm good with that because people have different tastes in music.



Sticks48 Level 9 May 2, 2018

I agree they're just tools.
Loopers, drum machines, pitch correcters, auto tuning, pre-recorded tracks..
If it's what you want....go for it.
Like the guitarists who have pre-recorded back up and do gigs using them. - everything's just the way you want it, no fuss/no muss.
It eliminates paying a band, or having to deal with one.


I am dyscalculaic which essentially means maths dyslexic .. also means I couldn't read sheet music if I want, so had to teach self to play by ear. Only way I can really play is by feeling it. Sometimes I might use a tuner to confirm something but I also detune most of what I play (keys wise) .. so tend to know where I am .. For me it's a bit different to some though I have met a few people like me to!

LOL reading this again ... are you referring to "AUTOTUNE" drops the ers or somthing else; I re read that... ... pedantic of me but that is what they are called .. Most popular being the Antares plugin of recent years ? I think they are an abomination but no one uses them the way they are intened... Most poeple use it to correct an out of key or wandering piece ... the way it is meant to be used is you set your Autotune unit to the key you want then sing in the wrong key so the autotune only corrects certain notes .. assuming you have picked two workable keys in a pentatonic scale ! That is quite a skill .. the other thing is a mess lol ..

Nickbeee Level 8 May 2, 2018

So if you set the plugin to d major and sung in c it would pull out the black notes.. that is the intended use .. in simple format .. 🙂

Giving a kinda cool wobbly effect only on the two "sharps" or black keys in the d scale on a keyboard ..

I'm the same as regards sheet music, have tried for years to learn to read it and it just won't sink in, just ants crawling on a page.
But if I write the notes out and use chord tabs I'm fine.

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