7 7

Beyond the 12 tone boundary: Here is an early student of mine. He and his father are master luthiers. They made my 6 string 12 tone acoustic guitar. They specialize in making microtonal instruments. Check out the interview then google his books if you want to be a trail blazer on guitar.

kensmile4u 8 May 15
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Wow. Just wow!


Definitely a move forward in instrumental progress. I play guitar fairly well, but I can't grasp all this...makes me glad I'm primarily a drummer! 😛

drumreaper Level 5 May 16, 2018

Chapman Stick territory kinda sorta.


Never in a million years could I play a neck that wide.

nvrnuff Level 8 May 15, 2018

My fiddle is ∞ toned! 😉

cmadler Level 7 May 15, 2018

Yes but can you intentionally hit all those blue notes?

@kensmile4u Yes, every one of them... It's called glissando! 😉

@cmadler hahaha When you are out of notes always do the the glissando!


I've never understood the whole micro tone/fretted instrument thing
Fiddles and other fretless instruments have always had it 🙂

JimmyM Level 7 May 15, 2018

Do you have any written or recorded xenharmonic pieces to share? I would be fascinated to hear anything with intervals of less than 100 cents.


I've never understood the whole micro tone/fretted instrument thing
Fiddles and other fretless instruments have always had it 🙂

JimmyM Level 7 May 15, 2018
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