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LINK Here’s What Makes Each Introverted Myers-Briggs Personality Type Angry

“Romantic relationships can be challenging for introverts in an extroverted world. After all, what should a romantic relationship be like? What role should physical contact play? What scripts should each person follow? My well-meaning extrovert friends and mentors would frequently tell me that all of this came instinctively, that it “just happens” or you “just know it” with no further explanation.“

GoodMan 7 Sep 28
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First off the history the MBP test is a total joke!!!

It was started by sisters with just four personality types, which after being sold became sixteen personality tests!!!

It is purely pseudoscience especially with predictive use of abilities and traits!!!

The MBP is such a false Corporate used test!!!

Take it two or more times a few days apart at different locations, it is amazing how much your personality changes in such a short time!!!

If you believe in Santa clause, Easter bunny, Satan, and god(s) this test is for you.

Too many corporations use it when the test to evaluate employees in results are never the same twice!!!



Actually I've taken the Myers Briggs test multiple times, and no matter how much I vacillate over the answers, the result is always the same.



We will believe you???

"If you believe in Santa clause, Easter bunny, Satan, and god(s) this test is for you."

I don't believe in any santa clause; easter, satan or gods, but I consider the relevance of all tests on a case by case. Many tests started out as what some would consider "silly" attempts to find answers, but some ended up yielding at least a nod in the right direction, or a step in a better direction. Einsteins' theory of relativity was widely criticized initially, and no one believed it also. Because the MBP was "started by sisters with just four personality types", doesn't render it less credible in my view. Lastly, My posts are only intended to share information, and let people evaluate and decide for themselves; not sway opinions one way or another. Thanks for sharing your thoughts 🙂

@of-the-mountain You don't have to agree with me. I'm just telling you my personal experience.

Simple it was made up to make money!!!

Scientific theory or any real psychological thoughts were not included!

It was used to fuck with horoscopes users!!!

Thanks for stating nothing of value!!!


When you have witness so many get different results every time validation flys out the window into the dumpster!!!

As they always state your usage may vary!!!

We believe you!!!

@of-the-mountain You're welcome.


I'm still laughing at the one for INTJ's. That is SO me!

LOL I'm an ENTP. It's all about the "T"


I don't know which of those is me as part of each of them applied to me. I just kept nodding and going yep that would do it.

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