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I'm fairly certain this question has been asked before, but let's see an update.

If your Myers-Briggs classification starts with an I, which type of introvert are you? Just wondering how many of you are INTJ's like me. We are, according to M-B, one of the rarest personality types and not the easiest to get along with 🙂


TheoryNumber3 8 Apr 26
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I've taken it several times and always comes out as INTJ. (and pretty heavy on the Judging section). I think it comes down to how honest you are with yourself. I always have to ask my self when I answer "Am I really this way or just want to be this way". The more honest you are the more accurate the results IMO. I do think it a useful tool to get an idea of personalities for comparison and to understand a person's tendencies.


I'm INFP-T. Not entirely sure what that means as far as relationships go, but I don't have many friends, if that's any indication. 😂

Kynlei Level 8 Apr 27, 2021

I think of not having many friends may be indicative of introversion 🙂 I'm basically a pretty friendly person, but I limit my close friendships.


I made this test a few times but I never remember the results.
Also as most of simple tests that you can do alone, it is not precise at all and is not considered a real thing for academic purposes.

Pedrohbds Level 7 Apr 27, 2021

It was considered a very useful tool for many years.... but as all psychology, it's not totally accurate, but it's kind of fun 🙂 like horoscopes


This reminds me of Tarot Card readings, it has been proven many times that you can say almost any damn thing & people go "oh wow,oh wow, that's me". If you take the test 3 weeks apart you will Not get the same results!

AnneWimsey Level 9 Apr 26, 2021

I've taken the test more than once because I forgot the results, but it's always been the same. It's based on actual studies, unlike tarot or horoscopes.

Yes... part of it is confirmation bias. We believe what we already believe. But my results have also been remarkably consistent. When I was working I took the test several times, and no matter how much I pored over the questions, I was always an INTP. Now that I'm no longer working, I'm consistently INTJ. I think your circumstances naturally influence your mindset.

@Kynlei no, it was invented by 2 bored housewives.....

@AnneWimsey that is not true, Anne. []
These were educated women who studied the works of Jung for 20 years. Don't forget, it was a different time, when education and intellect among women was not valued. Much like now 🙂



BitFlipper Level 8 Apr 26, 2021

In earlier discussions here , it came out that the Meyers Briggs was created by a pair of house wives , not educated doctors , so perhaps is not a valid test of peronality types .

Cast1es Level 9 Apr 26, 2021

See my response to of-the-mountain. There is more to the story than people's comments here. (I see today that his response has been deleted, so I refer you to the Wikipedia article on Katharine Cook Briggs.) She was absolutely brilliant. Went to college at age 14 and graduated #1 in her class. She studied the works of Jung for 20 years. To call her a just a "housewife" is demeaning to women.


The Myers-Briggs was created as dating test back in 1920s by two my a mother and her daughter who wrote a Lonely Hearts newspaper column. A psychologist added ten or more types in 1927. Both. Individuals stated it was never set up from any type of scientific testing!
It was use as an advertising stunt!!!

The is simply has no basis in Science or sociological study!!!

This is one of the biggest frauds to us, used to discriminate against individuals as being fit or unfit for multiple tasks in employment and life with others!!!

Maybe you should do a little more research. Try reading the Wikipedia entry about her. She started college at the age of 14 and graduated first in her class with a degree in agriculture and became a well-known academic during a time when it was falsely believed that too much education for women harmed their reproductive abilities. She worked as a teacher after college and devoted the rest of her life to studying the theories of Jung. She and her adult daughter did 20 years of research into Jung's theories before developing one of their own. Perhaps the Myers Briggs test didn't hold up to scientific scrutiny after a time, but for many years it was the hallmark among personality tools. To demean this intelligent, educated woman and her daughter to "a couple of lonely hearts columnists" is about as misogynistic as one can get.


If you do proper research not BullShit propaganda put on a Wikipedia!!!

Having a degree in some form of agricultural science does not give any one the ability to classify humans in such vague distinctions!!!

The vast majority on Wikipedia is factually correct in this case full of complete propaganda!!!

Not if you do not like I think I acted sexist!?!

Simple you are simple minded sexist pig!!!


I like people I just don't like them enough to put up with their crap on a day to day basis.
I'm not about to spend $50.00 to find out which sub species of introvert I am either.
This falls into over analyzing yourself, if you're like me you'll just always be the first to go as a crowd starts to gather.

I would prefer to call it understanding myself, rather than overanalyzing.
PS: And the test is free online on various sites

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