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Yesterday I had my patience tested. I'm negative.

TheoryNumber3 8 Jan 9
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I'm still positive for patience so far. 🙂 I kinda like this staying in and apart from people but not sure how much longer until my patience goes into the negative zone.

Julie808 Level 8 Jan 10, 2022

Don't mind getting tested, that is all that is needed or stay at home if positive. It's all the other outrageous rediculous and dangerous rituals the State and billionaires only benefit from, who are having a hell of a laugh at the public for doing it.

Oh here comes the buzzkill again. You must be a riot at parties.


They mandates against unvaxxers online or any gathering even protest in my province. Even if I tested positive, they don't give exemption after recovery like in Europe.

State, bankers and Pharma are having a riot parties at our expense. Without mask and maybe inviting goats and babies to their orgies.

@Castlepaloma .......Yawn........

What do I care, most of the patients that are hospitalized are vaxxers. Since the world population growth hasn't changed anyway. All your left with is fighting with other label groups. Being decrimating and bigotry and social outcasting is all upon you, look in the mirror to change it .Wail still blaming each other soon enough in the horrible worldwide sports of fear mongering.
Just enjoying the cluster fuck freak Show, US has a front row seat.

@Castlepaloma You're boring. I'm blocking you. Buh bye!!


how about some details?

I'd provide some if I had any patience


@TheoryNumber3 my loss






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