4 7 for me?

FrostyJim 8 Apr 23
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If l go out it is usually to get away from me.

Sticks48 Level 9 May 8, 2024

I'm pretty much a hermit these days. When I first moved into this complex I got involved with helping out in the clubhouse, pot lucks, decorating for various things (x-mas, Easter, Halloween, etc.). I enjoy the group I worked with, we worked well together. When COVID hit I was glad to have a reason to not being involved.
I need to get more exercise but my loner self is quite happy not seeing people.


This works for me almost 100 percent. Before I retired from O'Reilly Auto Parts I was developing way too much anxiety. That seems to have let up now and I have come to realize that most of it was because I want to be at home without having to leave the house. I've lived here 20 years and my introverted self is constantly doing projects and watching full series TV programs. I'm also a self made computer nerd and never bored for lack of things to do. I might install another operating system for myself or friends and relatives. My extroverted self is happy to go to town twice a week, and I do this all on my terms.

DenoPenno Level 9 Apr 23, 2024

In the winter-yes, but warm weather and I'm out enjoying it with the dogs.

EricJones Level 8 Apr 23, 2024
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Posted by KilltheskyfairyThat would be my answer too.

Posted by KilltheskyfairyYep, not interested!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyYep, not interested!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyYou won’t see me!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyIt’s too hot!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyIt’s too hot!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyIt’s too hot!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyIt’s too hot!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyCouch potato??

Posted by KilltheskyfairyCouch potato??

Posted by KilltheskyfairyCouch potato??

Posted by KilltheskyfairyYeah, not a party girl…

Posted by KilltheskyfairyYeah, not a party girl…

Posted by KilltheskyfairyYeah, not a party girl…

Posted by KilltheskyfairyFor past 10 years at least…

Posted by KilltheskyfairyFinnish desire for personal space went viral as Helsinki's single-person park benches gained global attention on social media.

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