My motto is: I'd rather be alone than wish I were
I haven't dated for at least six years. Both of my last two BFs wanted to get married (to me, not to each other). They assumed that I would say "yes" and that marriage is what all women wanted. One said told me that if we were still dating come spring, he wanted us to move in together (which meant him moving into my house as he lived in an apartment). He never considered and it never occurred to him that I would say "no."
I have met more and more older women who have no desire to marry. I also meet older women who marry in a minute if the opportunity presented itself. I am not sure why the latter have such a hard time finding a partner. From experience, I know that it would not be hard for me to find one IF I wanted one.
She might feel better if she stopped dating alpha males.
The problem is they can’t compete with cats. The unconditional love and attention one can get from cats makes men superfluous. I was married. I traveled for work. I would come home after being gone S-Th and my cats would be waiting at the door as soon as they heard my key in the lock, greeting me and basically saying they missed me. Ex husband barely acknowledged my return. I overheard him on the phone saying he loved me being gone because he did whatever he wanted during the week (not that he didn’t anyway) and then I came home, cleaned and shopped and went again.
In reality, it isn't just the alpha males who are the issue. However, I have met alpha and non-alpha men who tried to manipulate me into being in relationships with them. Some of tactics were were "warnings": insulting, i.e. "If you don't lower your standards, you'll wind up alone," and "You aren't a spring chicken, if you don't marry soon, you'll lose the chance."
I am almost 72 and living alone is the best thing I've done for myself.
Other manipulative tactics could be from alpha or other males:
On the other hand, from definite alpha males:
If we were married, you could not __ (Fill in the blank with anything the man didn't like).
If we were married, you would ____. (Fill in the blank with anything the man wanted.)
@Killtheskyfairy Dogs too. A lot of my cats are inside-outside and if I'm gone even 1/2 hour and I pull up in the driveway and I've got 3 or 4 at the door and sometimes standing on the windshield looking in and the dogs barking in the house.
Posted by Heather2367I feel the same way.
Posted by KilltheskyfairyIntrovert thoughts…
Posted by KilltheskyfairyIntrovert thoughts…
Posted by KilltheskyfairyIntrovert thoughts…
Posted by FrostyJim...we just don't get along well?
Posted by KilltheskyfairyWho gets dressed for that?
Posted by KilltheskyfairyTake this man away!
Posted by Killtheskyfairy100% participation!
Posted by CocoavineDo you want to hang out this weekend?
Posted by KilltheskyfairyYep, I’d rather be home…
Posted by AppleriverTexting is always best
Posted by AppleriverWhy go out when you can stay cozy in your pj’s
Posted by KilltheskyfairyNo wonder I eat so much!
Posted by CocoavineI know this feeling
Posted by FrostyJimWhen the doorbell rings - but you aren't expecting company... []
Posted by KilltheskyfairyAre you ready for it?