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Don't judge me

zorialoki 8 July 21
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A teenager must have come up with that one. That sounds like a guy trying to talk you into thinking he's not an idiot. You know, like some imbecile telling you he is a stable genius. You're supposed to think just by looking at a person that they are much more than meets the eye. Most people are much less than meets the eye. So it's a nonsense meme spelling not withstanding.

Anonbene Level 8 July 26, 2018

I thought this was a group for support and understanding. I just read the responses here and some of them are appalling. I loved the meme despite the obvious misspelling. Perfection is overrated.


Paul628 Level 8 July 21, 2018

Well this has been said "quite" few times already ????

IamNobody Level 8 July 21, 2018


DeeWoman Level 7 July 21, 2018

I observed that this meme-maker is not so good with the English.

dkp93 Level 8 July 21, 2018

Technicalities, it is more to convey a point than become a grammar exercise

@zorialoki I got the point. It just irks me when people make the effort to create a thoughtful meme but fail when it comes to spelling and basic grammar. I like it otherwise.

@dkp93 I took it for what it was and not for the grammatical mistakes. I will try to be more discerning of the memes I choose in the future. I definitely don't intend to ire the sensibilities of those that find grammar such a tender entity of memes.

I agree. When did we become 'elitists' just because we expect adults to have basic spelling skills?

@Hihi Typos happen, I am as guilty as anyone and I may not notice them immediately.

@zorialoki I understood your intention and was not criticizing you for posting the meme.

@Hihi This country revels in ignorance now, so anyone trying to maintain a slightly higher standard, like capitalizing 'I', is apparently seen as an elitist.

@zorialoki I make typos, too. Memes are generally held to a higher standard than a quick text or post because you are putting more thought and effort into it. It just bugs me. It really bugs me because the president seems to have no problem showing that he is illiterate.

@Hihi I tend to take a lot of time with texting and email.... everything written! I HAVE to get it right! My mom drilled it into my head how important words are! She gave me spelling tests at home constantly! ?

@dkp93 it is sooo easy to check your spelling etc before “publishing “

@bubaj50 But it isn't as easy to catch something when the wrong word is spelled correctly. I see examples all the time: people who don't know when to use accept vs. except, the different forms of your/you're, etc.

I agree with the folks who are saying that they look for, and expect, proper spelling and grammar. Yes, I can "guess" at what someone intended to say, but someone whose first language is not English will not always be able to. Part of being a good communicator is knowing what words to use when. It isn't a big deal today, in this one situation, but it is on the broader scale.

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