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Is it weird to be both and introvert and extrovert? I keep to myself most of time, but something changes once I am forced by friends or circumstances to be around people or groups; I become an extrovert, the anxiety melts away and I actually pursue interaction with non-friends. Do many introverts have this "switch" that you can turn off or on?

iamfree2think 3 July 23
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It depends on whether you feel your energy depleted or replenished after spending time around other people. One can be an ‘extrovert’ with social anxiety, or a people-loving, affable ‘introvert’, purely depending on whether one finds human interaction tiring or not. It’s not a totally scientific category, but innate tendency towards introversion/extroversion is a validated, stable factor of personality (one of the so-called Big 5).


I used to think the same thing. Then, after a long discussion with a friend (she is a total introvert and thinks I'm the most extroverted person she knows), we sorted out that I'm a total extrovert, I just hate people. 😉

Ozman Level 7 July 23, 2018

I sometimes feel extroverted when I’m around other introverts or people who are even quieter than me. Then suddenly something kicks in and I start feeling the need to speak and break the ice. It’s rare, but it does happen.


You're an ambivert!


I am an introvert. It's not because I don't like or value people, but because interacting with them is "expensive" but I always figure that if I'm going to pay to deal with humans, I am going to get my "money's worth" out of it. Most "acquaintances" think I'm an extrovert because I will chew an ear off and/or go to concerts, but my friends are shocked when I actually go out and deal with people.

DJVJ311 Level 7 July 23, 2018

The older I get, the more introverted I feel. I'm extroverted as hell when I'm out, but I find myself needing a lot of recharge time now.

LimeySteve Level 7 July 23, 2018

Totally normal AFAIK. The personality type is on a continuum and, not only are extremes uncommon, most people have traits of both. Many people are not aware that I am an introvert as I am fairly sociable when out and about. However, I just tend to limit my time with others.


I don't know that what you describe is a true switch from introvert to extrovert. The best and most consistent description of the difference lies in how you rest and recharge. If you need to be alone to rest, then you're an introvert. Being introverted doesn't necessarily mean that you're shy, hate people, or can't get along with people. It just means that your way of unwinding is spending time at home with close friends or family members or simply with a book or whatnot. I am certainly unable to say for certain that you're an ambivert (which is possible), but what you describe sounds to me like an introvert who handles social situations well in given circumstances, namely, ones that are on your terms and it times you find appropriate. I saw a video recently (possibly on here) that explained the difference between introverts and extroverts and introduced (for me) the concept of ambiverts. I'm not completely convinced by the description they had, but I'm not a psychologist either, so they may be correct in many regards.

shayne69 Level 6 July 23, 2018

I am the same. Are we introverted extroverts or extroverted introverts?? ?


I don't think that's all that unusual at least for me. I also have depression so getting going is always hard for me. But like you, if I manage to get somewhere I usually have a good time. Depending on who the group is, I've been known to be lots of fun, lol.

Booklover Level 7 July 23, 2018
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