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Does anyone else get intense anxiety when you have to make a phone call? Email or text is fine, but a phonecall is stressful, even if it's insignificant.

Aivery 7 Aug 23
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Sometimes a little, sometimes a lot. But emails are awful too. Most of them i write at least 4 revisions before I send them.


All the time. And it doesn't matter that, when I do make the call, everything goes very well. The social anxiety is ever present.


I like talking to friends and family on the phone. But I dread doing it for work. If I have to make business calls, I will go as far as writing out a script and doing breathing exercises to calm myself.

bleurowz Level 8 Sep 4, 2018

Having alternative means of communication (texts (messages & FB Messenger), e-mail & Phone) helps ease comm-angst. Each means has different constraints & advantages.


Its so stress-inducing. Thankfully, it's kind of gone away in this day and age. But, this movie clip reminds me of pretty much every message that I used to leave back in the day - fricken hilarious!

PhxClone Level 5 Sep 3, 2018

Yes! And I have to talk on the phone a lot for work. If there's an alternative to it, like email, I will always choose that. In my personal life, I try to avoid phone calls whenever possible except with close family. My daughter is the same way.

ErikaG Level 5 Aug 27, 2018

That’s definitely me. It’s tough because we are trying to rent a new home, and I’m a stay at home mom so I “should” be the one handling the phone calls but I’m going through a tough time right now so my husband has to juggle the phone calls and his job.


Yes I don't like it, it caused my problems in my younger years growing into an adult, I couldn't make many calls that I needed to. Now I try to avoid it by using emails, websites and texts. Also phoning call centres to get any help for communications and banking etc is impossible as they're overseas and cannot speak English fluently, they often cannot help even if they understand me and such a waste of my time, that would be the most anxiety producing phone call experience for me.

Vinomagic Level 2 Aug 24, 2018

I am so glad that a lot of problems, bills, ordering and whatever else can be done on line via text or email, no humans needed most of the time.


I don't like talking on the phone . I especially don't care to converse with the disembodied voice on the other end of the line . It creeps me out .

Marmion Level 6 Aug 24, 2018

Mostly phone calls, I really don't like them

zorialoki Level 8 Aug 24, 2018

Yes! I would rather instant message or text than to talk...


Yes! I would rather instant message or text than to talk...


Slight anxiety...would just as soon email

bubaj50 Level 7 Aug 23, 2018

In the days of answering machines, I'd speak so quickly that my message was sometimes, or often, unintelligible.
With people, any straying from the script renders me dumb. It happens face to face, too.
Not with everyone; only with some people – mostly strangers. But sometimes with not-strangers ('friends' is too kind a word, and 'acquaintances' is inappropriate as well.)
It is an accursed thing.

Beelzebant Level 5 Aug 23, 2018

Oh yes. I hate having to make phone calls.



tallguy241 Level 7 Aug 23, 2018

Definitely! I practice what I'm going to say at least 5 minutes before I dial the number. At least with an email or text you can edit until you don't sound stupid. On a phone call you're at the mercy of your addled brain and tongue.

Pandora Level 4 Aug 23, 2018

I put them off for as long as I can .

Besalbub Level 8 Aug 23, 2018
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