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I get very frustrated with people who don’t really get what it’s like to be an introvert. It’s easy to say just get out and do something. Easy to say when putting yourself out there is like a thousand deaths. I wish people could understand what it’s like. Anyway that’s all for tonight.

IrishTxJudy 8 Sep 19
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My friends have finally relented and stopped trying to drag me out because I "act like a depressed person".
Going out seems to vitalize them. For me it feels like every person I meet is a vampire draining me.

MLinoge Level 7 Oct 4, 2018

I tend to think that they have a difficult time realizing that as an introvert it's easier to be alone. I know friends who worry that I prefer time alone and since they crave being with others they have difficulty understanding the want/need to be alone.

Pamscwf1 Level 7 Sep 22, 2018

For me it's not so much that I just have to just get out and do it, I don't get the pleasure from doing it. I'm not afraid, or shy, or embarrassed... I just don't enjoy it most of the time. Like counting grass, sure I can do it buuut....

I like the times when they want to watch a movie. I'm like great, I've been dying to watch this documentary! YOU JUST HAVE TO SIT DOWN AND DO IT! Oh wait, that only works when it's your hobby?


Yes, absolutely. Some if my extroverted friends just don't get it. They think I'm not trying hard enough.

bleurowz Level 8 Sep 20, 2018

I think this is probably more common and relatable than it is made to seem by people who talk to much. The other introverts just aren't out there giving there opinions about it.

MsAl Level 8 Sep 19, 2018

I totally understand and agree with you. It's easier said than done sometimes and people just don't understand that.


you have to be one to understand

TheDoubter Level 9 Sep 19, 2018

People who are not introverted just do not understand.

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