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I know we all spend a lot of time thinking. Over the course of your life, what have you spent more time pondering than anything else?

Seeker3CO 8 Nov 1
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Usually small things that cause me anxiety. I try to use self-awareness to help me get through situations but sometimes that leads to more over-thinking.

jpabst67 Level 4 Nov 18, 2018

Death and least in the last 40 odd years.....

Nunulady Level 5 Nov 4, 2018

Two things. 1. History and time travel. Example what would it have been like to be a citizen of Rome under the rule of Caesar Augustus. 2. Lately, the title of the band Megadeth's album "Peace Sells but Who's Buying?".

Danny928 Level 6 Nov 4, 2018

It changes with the journey but mostly I wonder where the heck I belong.


When I'm alone, with some time to think, I'm thinking "It's nice to have some quiet alone time."


The state of academia. What's right, what's wrong, and how to improve in addition to prognosis on society as a whole.
Sorry, I'm pretty boring lol


Am I being too picky or should I stick by my exacting standards?

Nukdookum Level 8 Nov 2, 2018

Love/companionship; friendships, and ways to be self-employed again; rather than working for someone else.

GoodMan Level 7 Nov 2, 2018

Why "if we all want the same thing, why do we shit all over one another to prevent someone else from getting it"?


Why am I alone when the rest of humanity seems to have found life partners.

This post has brought to mind yet another song .


Returning to the family farm to live and transform it into a conservation and sustainable operation.


What I want to be when I grow up.


Why can I not see what others see.Art ,music and literature etc.

Xanadutoo Level 7 Nov 1, 2018

What is the meaning of meaning, among other things

IamNobody Level 8 Nov 1, 2018

What to do next

zorialoki Level 8 Nov 1, 2018

New ways to escape, other than that I'm as random as can be. One day I'll try to understand the physics of non nutonian fluids and the next ill be looking at stuff with beekeeping and the next ill start building a small boat or something to that effect.

Morphyon Level 5 Nov 1, 2018

Life. The reason for being. What's it for?

Booklover Level 7 Nov 1, 2018

@Marmion nice sentiment can't stand the "music"


Why people treat each other so badly.

Lyndie Level 4 Nov 1, 2018


@Marmion I don’t allow people to treat me badly for very long. That is why I am alone!

That one crosses my mind a lot too.



Jama765 Level 7 Nov 1, 2018
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