So what prompted your introversion? Perhaps one was born with that mindset. Perhaps it developed over time. Perhaps it was instilled within you. As a poorly socialized due to parental aberrance, I found being solitary provided me with peace. I did not have to cater to another's demands, compromise my ethics, or endure boring & useless endeavors. It is a rare human that can provide the solace I bring to myself. You?
I can't really say how I became who I am. I am also colorblind, and when someone asks me what that's like I don't know what to say. The world has always looked the way it looks today.
Color blindness usually manifests in not being able to see blue or green. It usually does not mean seeing the world in black & white as many folks believe. Would you agree?
@Countrywoman absolutely
We moved a lot when I was a kid (8 schools by high school, many other in-between moves that prevented making neighborhood friends), and my parents were always busy with work and my much younger siblings... I learned to be my own best friend, and unfortunately developed some social anxiety related to finding myself surrounded by groups of people who already know each other (cafeterias, buses, parties, etc. all still bother me!).
I don't know exactly what prompted me to become an introvert but I have a theory or two. As long as i can remember I've always been generally a pretty quiet and or soft spoken person. But i think this goes back to my childhood. I'm a triplet and unlike me, my siblings talk a lot. Which in some cases made me feel as if I didn't need to or id be wasting my time if I did talk. I also have a great appreciation for silence and spending time alone. In school I never really had "close friends" in the traditional sense. I had friends sure, a few of my own but most were mutal friends of my siblings. i never really hung out with them outside of school. In high school I didn't have a clique i just kinda of floated around. Somewhere along the way when I was young I picked up some social anxiety. I deal with this with sarcasm and jokes so I don't come off too awkward. i don't go out of my way seeking conversation with anybody especially not in person and I'm usually never the person introducing myself to people or initiating in conversation. My life story, circumstances, along with other variables picked up along the way have influenced my being an introvert.
What prompted my introversion after many years of being very extroverted was the realities of war. It made me realize that people are shit, and that it is in my best interest to avoid them, because they wouldn't appreciate the stories I had to share, nor did I care what their opinion of said stories were.
I believe a lot of temperament is pre-destined, and a combination of that plus life experiences brings it out. I don't remember a time when I wasn't overwhelmed in social situations and felt more comfortable immersed in my own thoughts and more drained from being around people too much. The pressure from my family to be more social just made me feel ashamed for being who I was and actually turned me more inward and made me feel shy and self-conscious. Took me a long time to understand that there was nothing wrong with me, and that introversion isn't a condition, it's a personality trait.
I was always told to be quiet or to not interrupt adults when I was a kid. I guess I just held onto that as I got older. I realized at some point that what most people like to talk about is completely meaningless and that I just don't care about it. So I stay quiet.
I was raised by alcoholic parents, solitude and reading gave me peace.
I feel like I remember when I started becoming more introverted. I suppose I was quite lucky when I was 12-13 because I had what most kids wanted. I had lots of friends, guys thought I was pretty, people wanted me around and wanted to hang out with me. I wasn't a weird, shy kid. However, after a couple years of that a lot of those friends started doing things I didn't agree with (drugs, smoking drinking, skipping school). So I found myself distancing myself from them. During puberty, I gained a little weight and kids definitely noticed and started teasing me. Anyway, I didn't really care and I just made a few new friends that were more similar to me and what I sort of believed in at that time. We'd have sleepovers, and watch movies, as lame as it sounds my mother set up some wicked movie nights haha.
Looking back at it now, I see that I sort of went from being very outgoing and "flirty" and, sort of the popular girl to having a few good friends all the way though school. I definitely consider myself more introverted now, as in I like my "me time" and I don't like a big fuss, going out, drinking that sort of thing. People sort of give me the heebie-jeebies.
When I was in grade school through high school, I was tortured (teased) by kids on my bus, particularly the boys. I was a smart kid from a lower-middle-class family, who lived out in the country, and whose family had no second car. The lack of money and transportation meant I could not participate in any of the after-school activities that my peers were in. I felt like a misfit for many reasons and I think I became an introvert to protect myself. I just folded in on myself like a mutant butterfly. When I was in college I developed friendships, but I wasn't good at opening up to strangers. I am lonely but I find meeting new people exhausting and overwhelming. And that's been my story for many years.
I suppose when you are spoken about, as being shy it could cause the belief that you are an introvert.If you are bullied at school or when your comments to others are regarded as tackless.Being different or liking solitude so that you can't get emotionally hurt.
It is a thought process some days I can speak to strangers ,I like to talk but no one listens or very few do.
I can sit on my own making reasons why I would not want to go out and imagine various scenarios.
I lived as a lone cowboy for years on the range, learned to fend for myself, never got over it. As much as I like to be around people I am a loner. I am much more at home with a horse, or a pack of dogs. I would love to meet the perfeft woman, but I seem to lack in that capacity.
Posted by Heather2367I feel the same way.
Posted by KilltheskyfairyIntrovert thoughts…
Posted by KilltheskyfairyIntrovert thoughts…
Posted by KilltheskyfairyIntrovert thoughts…
Posted by FrostyJim...we just don't get along well?
Posted by KilltheskyfairyWho gets dressed for that?
Posted by KilltheskyfairyTake this man away!
Posted by Killtheskyfairy100% participation!
Posted by CocoavineDo you want to hang out this weekend?
Posted by KilltheskyfairyYep, I’d rather be home…
Posted by AppleriverTexting is always best
Posted by AppleriverWhy go out when you can stay cozy in your pj’s
Posted by KilltheskyfairyNo wonder I eat so much!
Posted by CocoavineI know this feeling
Posted by FrostyJimWhen the doorbell rings - but you aren't expecting company... []
Posted by KilltheskyfairyAre you ready for it?