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Does any one have a problem with blushing really badly when the attention is turned on you, even if you're not necessarily super embarrassed? How do you deal with it or fix it?

AnnaMD 5 Jan 6
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I blush at nearly everything usually for no reason I can figure out. I have no idea how to fix it. After I was much too old for it to do me any good I realized that women found the blushes "cute" or something like that. I suspect works the other way around.


I usually bolt. I know, I'm a Marine, and face terror head on, but I really feel defenseless in social situations.
I'm working on it.
I met 3 really nice ladies at the club the other night.
And I did ok, lol.

Keech Level 5 Jan 7, 2019

I see it in my students when they have a difficult request to make. So if they need a letter or recommendation or something like that. Or if they are in a high stress situation. I ignore it and consider it part of human nature. I think it is a "tell" but it can't really be fixed easily and maybe, in some cases, tells aren't so bad anyway.

marmot84 Level 7 Jan 6, 2019

I blush so hard that I can feel it. Sadly, I can't remember the last time it happened.


Yes .... it helps if you practice doing things that are a bit stressful - if you fear speaking to several people at a time, fear speaking to a group, it helps to join Toastmasters or something similar. Practice helps.

SKH78 Level 8 Jan 6, 2019

Burst out crying. I bet that will stop things. JK. I am not aware of any way to not blush. So, sometimes you just have to go with it or walk away.

OHJim Level 5 Jan 6, 2019

I do too. Nothing you can do.

MojoDave Level 9 Jan 6, 2019

There's nothing to fix.. Nothing wrong with blushing. It's cute... Embrace it... It's you!


Don't worry about blushing - try to think about how most people find it cute. Try excessive sweating. That's REAL fun.

pmar074 Level 6 Jan 6, 2019

Been there done that too! Embarrassing!


And then someone notices you starting to blush and points it out and brings even more attention to you. Yea, it sucks. Usually if I keep going through it, eventually it passes.

That's how it happens. My wife usually starts it!


Stare at the ground avoid eye contact. Wait for flushing to pass. Avoid the same situation ever again. I hated being late to school people staring at as I entered the classroom. I cut class alot to avoid the situation.

Mokvon Level 8 Jan 6, 2019
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