There's a difference between IRL and on line . IRL , we have to deal with loud , obnixous , folks who are very much trying to stand out in the spot light . They tend to loudly dominate a conversation (all conversations in the room ) , even if they have nothing to say . On line , introverts , have the opportunity to contribute to a converstion as well . Since you asked .
I think the issue here, is that extroversion is seen as the norm.
Assuming a bell curve, there are probably as many introverts as extroverts in the world, but by their nature, they are underrepresented in popular culture.
One can be both an extrovert and still be reflective. They are not mutually exclusive. Anymore than being an introvert makes one reflective. All introverts are not the same and all extroverts are not the same.
@IrishTxJudy It doesn't hit a nerve, but I have noticed the self proclaimed introverts on this site spend an inordinate amount of time talking about themselves. Self absorption is a huge turn off. It is like they want attention, but don't want attention. If they are so not into being socal they would not be on social sites. They seem to want to be treated as if they are something special and of course they are not, anymore than the rest of us.
Reflection/introspection has nothing to do with introversion or extroversion.
Find an introvert who at some point hasn’t suffered a comment that they should be more outgoing.
Extroverts receive energy from others -
Introverts are drained by others.
Which doesn’t mean that introverts don’t need interaction with others, it’s just that we need it in a different way.
@Paracosm I don't know why people worry about people being introverts. I lived with an introvert for nine years and we are still friends. She only sees me and her youngest daughter and her family. She is fine being who she is. She doesn't whine or complain about it. We all have to except who we are.
I'm a very introverted person. I think a lot and say very little aloud. I have a Facebook account and I don't use it much. When my family says happy birthday there, I will like but I won't respond. It's too he same with Instagram. I do not have Snapchat. I have WhatsApp but I will get texts and don't look at them for weeks. On YouTube I don't make any comments on videos. But here on the agnostic app I do speak to people because this is where I feel comfortable. I find that I tend to get my thoughts out way easier when I write instead of speaking aloud. I'm totally fine with that.
On weekends or days when I do not have classes, no-one, and I mean no-one sees or hears me. This might sound a bit crazy but I even sometime laugh in my head instead of aloud. I am very sure I'm introverted, I've been like this my entire life.
Because people speak here does not mean they are seeking attention or whatever else you may think. It just means they probably fouund that one place where they are comfortable speaking.
Posted by FrostyJim...we just don't get along well?
Posted by CocoavineDo you want to hang out this weekend?
Posted by AppleriverTexting is always best
Posted by AppleriverWhy go out when you can stay cozy in your pj’s
Posted by CocoavineI know this feeling
Posted by FrostyJimWhen the doorbell rings - but you aren't expecting company... []
Posted by AppleriverMy exact feelings…
Posted by Heather2367I need some of these.
Posted by TheoryNumber3Yep, that's me!
Posted by FrostyJimI'm doing my best...
Posted by for me?
Posted by TheoryNumber3In honor of Eclipse Day.....
Posted by FrostyJim...I have a lifetime membership.
Posted by FrostyJim...I know how he feels!
Posted by FrostyJim...staying indoors and keeping warm!
Posted by FrostyJim...granny nailed it !