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I went to a Meetup in my city for introverts. You would not have guessed that people were shy and introverted - people were talking up a storm! Nobody appeared "unsociable" - lots of lively conversation.

SKH78 8 May 14
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I don’t know if I’m an introvert because of my extreme social anxiety or whether it’s the other way around.

Hermit Level 7 May 18, 2018

Same here - which came first, chicken or egg?


That's intimidating! I'm really awkward around a lot of people, I would probably freeze up. I do much better when it's a group of doggos.

mek7730 Level 7 May 17, 2018

I always test as an INTJ. I'm a good number 2 guy but I'm no front man.

I'm an INFJ. I tell my students that I can only be spontaneous with 24 hours' notice.

@citronella That's funny! What do you teach? I'm in Fine Arts.

@farmboy2017 Management.


I am extremely outgoing WHEN I do leave my home but I am definitely an introvert. I love being around people for short periods of time but then I get drained and need to be alone to refuel. Introversion is not the same as being shy it simply reflects where we turn when we feel depleted or have an issue we are facing. One of the best descriptions I heard was...You have a problem arise at work, do you go ask coworkers for help or shut the office door and figure it out by yourself?


I think people confuse introvert and extrovert with quiet or talkative. The better lens (sure is for me) is from where you draw your energy. I can speak to anyone in any situation, work in sales, and on occasion give a speech. But I am decidedly an introvert. I draw my energy internally rather than from others. And when I am by myself I am never, ever alone.

Mitch07102 Level 8 May 15, 2018

Perfect description! Excellent.


I think knowing you share the bond of being introverted makes conversation easier. Takes some of the awkwardness out of the situation.

Celestia Level 5 May 14, 2018


Yes, we all felt we could trust each other immediately. It's like we instantly knew we all belonged to the "same club."


I might have liked that. I'm an introvert but sometimes I can be quite the chatterbox


A member described introverted as someone who prefers solitude to social activities & has nothing to do with being shy. That makes sense to me.

Mooolah Level 8 May 14, 2018
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