I know i am an introvert because being in large groups is exhausting for me. I skip most large events at work because I find them overwhelming. Perhaps p asrt of my problem is, in part, social anxiety. I don't mind going to a craft show, where there might be s crowd but I can control whether I talk to someone. But I dread parties, where I feel a obligation to chit-chat with others. I usually answer the phone, but there are days (usually when I am already crabby about something) that I will ignore a call, usually for a few hours or overnight.
When I complain about being lonely, my friends will say, "Just go out and meet someone!" I have a hard time figuring out how to do that, and don't think I want to go through the stress of that. So it's a vicious cycle, whirling wildly around me, but me not knowing how to climb out of it.
I completely understand... I don’t know how to help, but I understand.
I totally get what you're saying and agree 100%
Actually, I don't mind socializing with one person at a time. It's group stuff that I have a problem with. Anybody else feel that way? And by the way, a group is anything more than one other person. Three is a mob!
Sometimes I have less problems if it's a group.. Less preasure on me to keep the socialization going. Honestly I can't remember I haven't socialized for the sake of it in a very long time.. At work though I prefer a group of people rather than being stuck alone with one person so I am the only person they have to talk to.
@MsAl I don't enjoy being a captive audience either, but socially it's a whole different thing. I just don't want to talk to a lot of strangers about their daughter's wedding and their crabgrass.
LOL....daughter's wedding and crabgrass....that's great. It is so uncomfortable pretending to be interested in that kind of chit chat. And then all the head nodding, "Oh, really?"s, and fake smiles. Sometimes it felt like my facial muscles were cramping up. The only thing that could possibly make it worse would be if they were not serving alcohol !
@balance_point I'm not much of a drinker, but it does help in those situations. I look at people having all these animated conversations and think "what could they possibly be talking about... they just met!"
LOL I did this to my brother last week hoping he'd assume I was at work but it turns out he was calling from my driveway...
Foiled again!
Yesterday, my phone rang in the library!! I never take it out of my truck but I had it in my pocket for whatever reason. I wanted to crawl in a hole!! Ha ha
I totally get it!
My ring tone is Weird Science " sex, drugs, rock and roll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"
Posted by Heather2367I feel the same way.
Posted by KilltheskyfairyIntrovert thoughts…
Posted by KilltheskyfairyIntrovert thoughts…
Posted by KilltheskyfairyIntrovert thoughts…
Posted by FrostyJim...we just don't get along well?
Posted by KilltheskyfairyWho gets dressed for that?
Posted by KilltheskyfairyTake this man away!
Posted by Killtheskyfairy100% participation!
Posted by CocoavineDo you want to hang out this weekend?
Posted by KilltheskyfairyYep, I’d rather be home…
Posted by AppleriverTexting is always best
Posted by AppleriverWhy go out when you can stay cozy in your pj’s
Posted by KilltheskyfairyNo wonder I eat so much!
Posted by CocoavineI know this feeling
Posted by FrostyJimWhen the doorbell rings - but you aren't expecting company... [facebook.com]
Posted by KilltheskyfairyAre you ready for it?