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大家好!我叫Ashley。 吃饭了吗?我学了中文六个月. (Hello everyone! My name is Ashley. How are you? I have been studying Mandarin for 6 months now) 🦊

Relaseri 3 Aug 27
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Google translates it a bit differently: Hello everyone! My name is Ashley. have you eaten? I have studied Chinese for six months. 😛

bingst Level 8 Aug 27, 2019

And yes, roast beef on sourdough sandwich. 😛

@bingst I've learned that "have you eaten" is a common native greeting around meal times. Not really asking if you've eaten but more asking about your general well-being.

If i may please.. your answer should be “ i am great. Thank you. How’s everything with you?”

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Posted by David_CooperBrazil's native language groups

Posted by David_CooperI like language maps - if you find any, please share them here.

Posted by JettyWhen a word has more than one meaning. 🤣

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Posted by JettyIneptocracy

Posted by JettyI wonder if this works in any other language, though, in Chinese, for example.

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Posted by David_CooperI've often seen these in English, but doubtless the rest of the world does them too.

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Posted by EquusDanceJust read a fascinating article on the origins of language.

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