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I think for my first tryout post something from the great Matt McGinn. A song that I have known now for nearly 50 years. It was s great favourite of Alan Bell of the Blackpool Taverners:

(Matt McGinn)

cho: I'm looking for a job with a sky-high pay
A four day week and a two hour day
S'maybe it's because I'm inclined that way
But I never did like being idle!

I don't want glory and I don't want fame
I left school with a modest aim
I went to the Labour Exchange for work
Here is what I sang to the wee broo clerk

Now that, says he, is a rare wee song
To come frae a lad so big and strong
Through the door on the left and take this card
You can sing to the gaffer down in Harland's yard

I sang it to the gaffer but he thought me daft
I've never even heard such a horse's laugh
He gathered around him all his men
And as one big choir, they sang then

Their voices rang o'er the riverside
And it became the song of the Clyde
Its words were heard the whole world round
And it was known as the Clydeside Sound

From ""McGinn of the Calton""
Copyright Matt McGinn

FrayedBear 9 Nov 16
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Posted by Lop-Eared-MuleWho dis be? From round Woody's neck o' the woods....

Posted by Lop-Eared-MuleHey Woody-ites! Well iffin ya like Woody, ya probably like Bobby Dylan! C'mon over to my group Fans of Bob "Lucky Jackfrost Dylan".... find it on my home page...........

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