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Hi guys, can you give me any agnostic/atheist songs which are cool ? I want as cool as Shelly Segal's SAVED ?

TheKazekage 3 June 15
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Well, it's not exactly the message I had in mind.

fishline79 Level 7 June 16, 2018

I really like Hozier's rendition of "Take Me to Church"

Tim Minchin sings much satire, e.g. Come Home Cardinal Pell and Thank You God (watch to the end as it's not what it seems it's going to be)

This site has a list with lyrics and videos: []

pixiedust Level 8 June 16, 2018

Sorry, I don't get an edit option to fix my comment. This is the link to Tim Minchin:

@pixiedust Amazing! Thank you Pixie for introducing me to Tim. How could I have not heard him before?

@fishline79 I'm only a little surprised you hadn't heard of him. He's very popular in Australia, but not so well heard of in N. America.

@pixiedust Is he always having a "Bad hair day"? I recorded an Album with that title. It should have been his! Seriously, I'll look him up. I love great lyricists. And, does he always get Philharmonic orchestras to accompayn him?

@fishline79 LOL Yes to the first question, although his eye makeup is usually interesting. Not always, but frequently, to the second question.

You might like his "Come Home, Cardinal Pell", especially the last few lines.

@pixiedust I intend to check it out. Thanks

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Posted by fishline79A summer day at the pond.

Posted by fishline79A summer day at the pond.

Posted by fishline79A summer day at the pond.

Posted by fishline79A summer day at the pond.

Posted by fishline79I started this group but you are all invited to post your favorite songs which fit the theme. You are also invited to visit

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