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One of the greatest protest songs of all times by one of the most beautiful voices I have ever heard. Listen and weep. I would love to sing this song but after hearing him, I can't!

fishline79 7 May 6
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One of mine;

Bob Dylan , gone electric, singing I ain't gonna work on maggie's farm no more

Not sure which singer and song you're referring to.

pixiedust Level 8 May 6, 2018

I think it may be a note I sent to "Spinliesel" about the song by Vin Garbutt, "When Opressed Becomes Opressor"

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Posted by fishline79A summer day at the pond.

Posted by fishline79A summer day at the pond.

Posted by fishline79A summer day at the pond.

Posted by fishline79A summer day at the pond.

Posted by fishline79I started this group but you are all invited to post your favorite songs which fit the theme. You are also invited to visit

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