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Atheist Debates - Mythicism 101 with David Fitzgerald

phxbillcee 10 June 28
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Not one of the better Atheist debates as David Fitzgerald and Matt Dillahunty talked past each other for a frustrating 15 minutes. One of the logical inconsistencies that Fitzgerald was making, that Dillahunty wouldn't let him get away with, was a conflation of the mundane and allegorical in his premise. His conclusion was that the narrative stories were all allegorical. But with his premise containing, at least in part, the very conclusion he was reaching for, he was begging the question.
The other thing that Dillahunty wouldn't let Fitzgerald get away with was the Mythicist Paul Primacy Principle which is established solely and weakly on mere chronology. This conveniently overlooks the fact that Paul only wrote letters to churches and never wrote a narrative gospel. Again the conclusion is in the premise, Paul is criticized (or used as evidence that the historical Jesus never existed) for not having written a mundane narrative of the historical Jesus... because he never wrote a narrative of Jesus.
On the other hand, Fitzgerald makes an interesting argument that we have better evidence of the mundane lives of 15 other false messiahs in the 1st Century A.D. than we do of the historical Jesus. But such evidence was not given in this debate.

Heraclitus Level 8 June 28, 2018

He turned water to wine and the wedding host didn't get his name



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Posted by jeshueyWell doh!

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