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A Revised Concept of Hell | Mark - Toronto, Canada | Atheist Experience 22.11

phxbillcee 10 July 24
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Why is it that so many Christians have no idea what they really believe?

Heraclitus Level 8 July 24, 2018

@iamfree2think I like your reference to Quine's Web of Belief epistemology, which I fundamentally agree with, but I think there are deeper psychological motivations going on here. (BTW, in no way was I assuming that belief is static. It obviously isn't) My real question is why do some people commit themselves to belief systems that they don't understand themselves, let alone are able to explain to others. This has deeper psychological implications and hints at more personal and social motivations than can be explained by epistemology alone.

BTW, because of the grammar of your last sentence, I am not quite sure I understand the point you are making. Also, what are you calling "orthodox" belief, as opposed to rational belief? It sounds as if you are equating orthodox belief with irrational belief, but I am not sure that is what you mean.

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Posted by jeshueyWell doh!

Posted by KhaCRMy original profile got suspended and Idk why. Created another to keep sharing!

Posted by Wildgreens😂🤣😂🤣 Imaginary Jesus

Posted by WildgreensWhen you carry a Bible..🤣😂🤣 The devil gets a headache.. What if the devil is a SHE? I’m guessing everyone is entitled to have a wild imagination.🤣😂 Even if is nonsense. 🤣🤣

Posted by WildgreensChristianity

Posted by OldMetalHeadYeah. Tell me again how Neil is not an atheist

Posted by yikes9o9Nazi Germany was a Christian movement. They seem to leave that part out a lot. 🤔🤫

Posted by WildgreensI gave you free will..

Posted by jeshueyFrom me, to Y'all...

Posted by WildgreensThe very concept..

Posted by WildgreensThe Government

Posted by WildgreensAtheist and Christmas

Posted by jeshueyThe Lord does have a point...

Posted by WildgreensHey I just..

Posted by WildgreensSo, why is everyone..

Posted by TimeOutForMeNot afraid of imaginary friends/gods.

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