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Brainstorming help, please: A long-distance friend and I want to meet for a week this fall someplace that would be fun to explore and experience in the US or Canada. No camping cuz we would fly. Excludes places we know well: the south, NJ, PA, IL, NV, WA, OR, CA, D.C. and the Vancouver BC Canada area. Thanks for suggestions!

UUNJ 8 Oct 4
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If you want old world charm try New Orleans. Get a hotel in the French Quarter. And the temperature may be bearable in October.

BitFlipper Level 8 Jan 16, 2020

I want to go to Quebec and experience it's old world charm.

Lorajay Level 9 Jan 15, 2020

@MissKathleen unfortunately no but the history fascinates me so i might survive with lots of planning.



bobwjr Level 10 Oct 5, 2019

Battle fields? What do you recommend?

@UUNJ some North of here but beaches are 5 star old fort made on the largest man made sand dune on the east coast excellent parks wild life areas,great restaurants

@UUNJ the light house is where they filmed failure to launch with the dolphins, Kevin McConnahay


Hawaii is always nice!

Julie808 Level 8 Oct 5, 2019

I would like to go to Kauai


Yellowstone is Amazing. The Grand Canyon is unique and special. Don't worry about advanced booking; if you decide to go there, do call them...if it's only 2 adults, 1 room...that's easy.

And...if you want to come hang with room cost (I have a spare BR) just cover your grub...I'm on the beach in Ft. Pierce.

Thanks! I drove within 15 mins of the North Rim visitor center this April before turning back due to white out weather. I ned to go back someday


If you wish to explore many places in Canada,,just depends on what you want to do for activities,Niagara faFalls ,Toronto ,Quebec City and Ottawa all have lots going on plus plenty available hiking and really good nature places near by also,,Hope this is off some help they all have lots of museums,culture stuff ,music it is there,,good luck on choices

RoyMillar Level 9 Oct 4, 2019


@UUNJ if you decide to come to Canada I am located about 100 miles east Of Toronto ,If you have time and are passing thru on the 401 corridor and have time for a coffee would love to meet people on here

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Posted by JolantaPolice, army personnel and border force making sure that we don't absconde before we are loaded into busses taking us to 14 days quarantine.

Posted by JolantaPolice, army personnel and border force making sure that we don't absconde before we are loaded into busses taking us to 14 days quarantine.

Posted by JolantaPolice, army personnel and border force making sure that we don't absconde before we are loaded into busses taking us to 14 days quarantine.

Posted by JolantaFremantle harbour, Western Australia. Tugboat turning container ship around in harbour so it can be on its way.

Posted by JolantaFremantle harbour, Western Australia. Tugboat turning container ship around in harbour so it can be on its way.

Posted by JolantaThe Mediterranean restaurant at Vasco Da Gama. Had the most delicious food and ambiance.

Posted by JolantaThe Mediterranean restaurant at Vasco Da Gama. Had the most delicious food and ambiance.

Posted by JolantaMaking sure that the life boat is in good working order on Vasco Da Gama.

Posted by JolantaMaking sure that the life boat is in good working order on Vasco Da Gama.

Posted by JolantaOne daya Entertainment program for Vasco Da Gama. Never a dull moment.

Posted by JolantaOne daya Entertainment program for Vasco Da Gama. Never a dull moment.

Posted by JolantaPolice are making sure we don't abscond from the ship.

Posted by JolantaTying up the ship. WA, Fremantle.

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