6 5

Heading for Hawaii in a couple of days! Four nights on the big island, a day at Pearl Harbor, and three nights in Maui. Have the memorial, a manta ray snorkel and whale watching cruise booked, but leaving the rest up to the weather. Hoping to catch a lot of sunrises, sunsets, different color beaches, some waterfalls, a lot of tropical greenery, and a few hikes. Plus a ton of fresh fish!

Anything we absolutely shouldn't miss??

synergy 6 Jan 21
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A hammock.

Redmon17 Level 5 Jan 22, 2020

Have fun and enjoy

RoyMillar Level 9 Jan 21, 2020

Road to Hana. Maui

Hathacat Level 9 Jan 21, 2020

If you're going to Maui...and you're feeling fit and vigorous....I strongly recommend the "Bike coast downhill" from Maui. They take you and a bike up to the top - where it's really cold....then put you in a helmet and gloves,ask you to be careful...and....let you coast 27 miles downhill. It's a long ride...that can be made longer by taking your time...stops along the way at the Heather farm, for example....but I promise a very memorable experience....if you are a decent bicyclist.


Robecology Level 9 Jan 21, 2020

I saw that, and I feel plenty fit and vigorous, but unfo I also feel terrified and the terror won out. We're going to drive up and back, and even that has me a little nervous.

@synergy I'm a 74 year old. I did that with my son a few years back, when I was in my late 60's. Not terrifying at all. Totally worth it. Call them once you get there....they take customers the day before any trip - no long range bookings needed. You won't be sorry (unless you fall off the bike....and that's not likely.)


Arizona memorial

bobwjr Level 10 Jan 21, 2020

Yep, that's why we're doing the day trip to Oahu. Only going to be on the island for about eight hours, and Pearl Harbor is the only thing planned.


I really loved the scenic road to Hana Bay.

I think we're going to do the whole way around! The southern route back isn't entirely paved, so I paid a good bit extra to get a rental we're allowed to take on unimproved roads =)

@synergy On the road to Hana on Maui, definitely keep going rather than turn around mid-point. I drove it in a big truck, which was nervewracking on such a narrow road. Hope you have something a little smaller!

Be sure to leave some time to enjoy the Hana area, if you can. Waianapanapa area, and so much more to enjoy. I was lucky enough to spend 5 days in Hana one year and sure enjoyed that part of the island - so different than the rest of Maui, which is great too!

Upcountry so different than the coast line. Only 3 days to explore, so you might not get to everything on Maui.

It's been years since I've been to the Big Island, but I'm sure you'll find lots to explore and enjoy!

@Julie808 I'm so glad to hear someone say the southern route is worth it, thanks! ! So many seem to just turn around and retrace their drive in.

I wish we had more time, but we can only take nine days away in a row. Fortunately, I think we're going to get to go again next year, if Southwest keeps up their flights. This was just meant to be a quick, 'This is worth the travel time, right?' exploration. We're so excited!!

@synergy You'll pass Lindbergh's grave along the southern route, near Kipahulu. Also in the Hana area, if you get a chance to see the red sand beach, it's a cool place. Lots of beauty in the area.

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