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Mars was a sight tonight. Seeing was good. I haven’t had my nearly 20 year old Discovery 8” DHQ dob out in years but it all still worked. Viewing was good enough to use my Televue 4.8mm Nagler and University Optical 5mm orthoscopic for most of the viewing

The southern polar cap and many nice contrasting details were visible.

Ohub 7 Oct 11
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That's a lot of power you're putting on that scope, I'm glad you had steady seeing. I just took a look with my 8 in. f/7 using an old 8mm RKE. Steadiest seeing I've had in a long time. Polar hood clouds and dark markings. Syrtis Major definitely visible.

Yeah - not often things are steady enough for those two eyepieces. Even when I was very active in astronomy I didn’t use them very often. But on certain nights I could.

There was little turbulence tonight and things were very steady so quite enjoyable.

Years ago I also had a 13” dob that was a beast of a thing but gave great views. I sold it after a divorce well over 10 years ago.

@Ohub The 13 in. i have a 13 in. in my observatory. A Coulter from around 1980 that a friend gave me. yeah, a beast, it's not ever going to ever move as far as I'm concerned. Going to try some photos tonight. My equipment is simple but sometimes I get nice results.

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