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Has NASA aborted the James Webb Space Telescope?

I understood it’s to be launched in 2021 but there’s now talk about another Hubble. What’s NASA doing?

yvilletom 8 Dec 4
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Here's the video I saw about the next, next space telescope. This one is coming after the James Webb.

The audio is hard to follow. The speed and volume both vary a lot.

@yvilletom sorry to hear that. I've been watching this guy's stuff for years on YouTube and never had any problems with the quality. here's the link to the Wikipedia article if that helps.


@twosixdelta Thanx. I read the article’s early pages and won’t be surprised if the JWST is delayed further or cancelled.


As far as I know the JWST is still going up, although maybe delayed again (not positive). But NASA was recently gifted a new telescope from the NSA that is seen as a spiritual successor to the Hubble and I think that may be what you're thinking of. I recently watched something about this new telescope and if I can track it down I'll share it.

Thanx. The blurb I saw described it as a small Hubble.


What is your source for this development? I've been unable to find info on this.

A video clip I saw while web-surfing. I paid attention cuz for several years I’ve seen that JWST is supposed to see more than the Hubble.

I just asked google ‘what is the new hubble and found:
“The successor to the Hubble observatory will not now launch until 30 March 2021 at the earliest. The 29-month delay, from October this year, follows a review into the technical challenges currently facing the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST).Jun 27, 2018”

@p-nullifidian see “nancy grace roman space telescope” in wikipedia. A few words from the wiki article follow:

“...with the goal of precisely measuring the effects of dark energy, the consistency of general relativity, and the curvature of spacetime.”

In short, NASA hopes to strengthen their defense of the Big Bang model.

NASA is delaying and may cancel the JWST. because it may strengthen the case for the Electric Universe model.

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