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I just took a look at Mars and it seems that the planet wide dust storm is still raging. There were no details in the planet that I could see. A shame as Mars will be at it's closest next weekend. bummer. Well, there's always Saturn and Jupiter to look at.

starwatcher-al 7 July 22
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Maybe the Martians engineered the dust storm so that we couldn't see them building their attack fleet...


Well that sucks, I've my C8 and AVX mount ready to go (user induced image shift is corrected) and no Mars worth looking at. Hope that storm peters out soon.

MacTavish Level 7 July 22, 2018

I just took another look, it's higher in the sky now and it's a featureless disc.

@starwatcher-al Thanks for the update Al.


I just imagine that all there and reflect back to it as it has been so dark here at moment unable see anything naked eye


I've seen it too ... a fuzzy red blob! Poor Mark Watney! 😉

I really liked that movie. Watched it about twenty times. Could not get past the point they made about the wind blowing over their craft. If that were the case why would they put the other craft on Mars and leave it for so long? Great story and I guess they had to have a way for him to get stranded or no story.

@dalefvictor These dust storms are not an everyday occurrence but when they blow they last for weeks. The atmosphere on Mars is very thin but there is enough molecules there to be a real force at the extreme velocity that they blow. i really gotta catch that movie someday.

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