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meteorites hitting the moon.


Lukian 8 July 31
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thr us has a simulator for impact events..sorry I forgot the name.. it is a large vacuum chamber with a sand target... the impactors come from a "gun" that is capable of changing the angle of impact. The target is silica sand with a surface of graphite and fullers earth, layered. for contrast. iff you find the vide please post a link since it is way cool.

JohnBeret Level 5 Aug 3, 2018

cool! I wonder when we will visit those crash sites to see if they are any different than on Earth.

MissaDixon Level 7 July 31, 2018

no moon mission planned as of yet (I think)

@Lukian no there isn't...Mars is next.

ConTheory: Moon is too close for the rich folks to live...Mars is farther away from the riff raff.

@MissaDixon lol


Poor Luna, she's defenseless.

but tough!



Hathacat Level 9 July 31, 2018

Thanks for posting. I had seen stills of this in the past but never a video.


Bang Bang!

vcg1234 Level 7 July 31, 2018

I shouldn't be surprised (It's physics) but I am amazed at the flash of energy light emanating from each impact.

@Lukian Got me to thinking... why the flash? Is it a release of chemical energy during collision? Flashes on Jupiter after Comet Shoemaker-Levy hit made sense but no atmosphere on moon and just plain moon rocks. Hmmmmm

Here’s a short article I found about a large blast on moon in 2014, the stats are really impressive. This explains why the flashes - tons of energy, high speed collision.


Image looking at the moon one night and seeing a flash - wow!

Like I said... bang bang!

@LaMariposa see I got you thinking now!! The flash would be pure energy release from the impact (molten minerals). Obviously it's not combustion.

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