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2 members in this group have personally blocked me. As the group owner, I can see their post but I've learned that they cannot see my posts and replies. As some of you may have noticed, I have asked a recent member to remove their post which I deemed irrelevant to the group. Since this member cannot see my comment, they will not get the notice.

Since it is not in my power to remove/delete another members I have 2 options:
A: ignore any and all member posts in this group (do nothing)
B: Block members that have blocked me

I will delete this post after a couple of days, but before I do, I would like to get your opinion on what you think is the right course of action. Please comment or fill the poll.

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Lukian 8 Jan 15
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Third option - add a mod.. - Have the mod tell them they can't block the group owner - and make it part of the group rules.

Then block them if they don't reconsider in 24 hours.

I might be doing this on my groups soon. It's kind of odd that people want to block you but remain in your groups. I guess it's ok - but it can't be a pain.

RavenCT Level 9 Jan 16, 2019

Some of us are not as scientifically versed as others. If this comment is about the post I think it is I would do nothing as I believe that person is trying to communicate and should be allowed to do so.

I understand your point but that person will never see my comments if I decide to reply to something they post or say.


I don't personally block people but as long as their posts are relevant to the group I don't see how blocking the creator of said group would justify their removal. Personally I would leave them be as long as they remain civil. If the theme of the group required admin interaction it would be different.

We'll see. waiting for more comments... Thanks for the insight and input.


If you do nothing it won't solve itself.

Treehugger Level 6 Jan 15, 2019

good point.


Just block them..

Charlene Level 9 Jan 15, 2019

it's my inkling at this point but I'll wait a little for additional comments. thanks!


Why not remove them from the group?

removing them from the group is the same as blocking them. I ask only because I have never blocked any member yet. I don't mind members speaking their minds (even if I disagree) but posting non-relevant subjects or comments in a group of like minded individuals is problematic to me. If the group feels inconvenienced about it (which is my opinion), I will remove these members.


I would block them.

Kafirah Level 8 Jan 15, 2019
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