6 8

This is very cool. First image of a black hole. My mind read 55 light years away at first... 55 million.


Edited to include an article about Katie Bouman the researcher who came up with algorithm that allowed scientists to capture the images. Also very cool.


TrailRider 7 Apr 10
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I'm enjoying these images and meme that came out:

Lukian Level 8 Apr 11, 2019

It the accretion disk of Sagittarius A..sorry folks it Is Meisser 87..I confused two statements from The photo is of M87s accretion disk..they are still Imaging Sagittarius A..apologies y'all.

Charlene Level 9 Apr 10, 2019

thought it was M87 and not our galaxy ? and not sgt A that they compared it to ?

@magicwatch It is M87.. Their still imaging Sagittarius bad..gonna update my responce now..


It's an astounding accomplishment of astronomers world wide! To actually see a Black Holes accretion disk is of enormous scientific import...for All fields of research.
WOW..just WOW!!!!

Charlene Level 9 Apr 10, 2019

And the galaxy that it's in is 53 million light years away. The radius of our own galaxy is only 52 thousand light years, and we're only about 2/3 of the way out from the center of that. So imagine how much more detail we'll be able to get from the images of the one in the center of our own galaxy!


So cool!!!
So fantastic that we (no me personally) have the technology and brain power to know that these even exist, and that we can find them and now "see" one.
Bind blowing.

scurry Level 9 Apr 10, 2019

I didn't know until this morning that the side with stuff moving toward us was expected to appear brighter than the side with stuff moving away. ?
Expect to learn things about black holes soon.

RichCC Level 8 Apr 10, 2019

They are within the galaxy but I do not think any are close.

The image of M87 is 55m light years away..Sagittarius A, the Black Hole in the Center of Our galaxy is 26k light years away..

@Charlene 53.59 Million, not thousand.

@chilehead9 thanks for correction!

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