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galaxy edge NGC3432

Hathacat 9 Aug 2
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I sometimes dislike breaking illusions. The camera that took that pic wasn't out there in space.
It was here on earth, perhaps at NASA, aimed at a computer screen whose pixels were being struck by electrons guided by electric fields in a TV-like device.

The reason?
The two most distant space vehicles, the Pioneers, were launched in the 1970s and recently reached our Sun's heliosphere.
They are but a tiny fraction of the distance to our galaxy's most distant region, let alone near NGC3432 in the constellation Leo.
There can be no human-designed cameras farther away, let alone functioning cameras.

In short, you're looking at something out of sci fi.

yvilletom Level 8 Aug 8, 2019

I don't see anywhere here saying it was taken out in space? I suppose Hubble could have taken it, and they enlarged it like they do most but I would have to go back and look. I DO know that it is not a artist rendition as I don't share anything that says that it is. I think the people here are well aware that things like this are not taken like a typical photograph.

The Pioneer spacecraft are most definitely NOT the most distant space vehicles. Both Voyagers are further out, and currently in third place is Pioneer 10. It's only a short matter of time before all of them fall behind the New Horizons spacecraft, which is traveling at a somewhat higher speed.


Whoops. You’re right. Voyager1 and 2, not Pioneer.


Like tail of rattle snake.

allmighty Level 6 Aug 4, 2019

Wow, just WOW..

Charlene Level 9 Aug 2, 2019

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