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Andromeda galaxy, closest large spiral

Hathacat 9 Aug 16
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Are you aware that you can see this galaxy with just your eyes? it's rising in the NE late evenings now days. Looks like a small elongated cloud. use binos for a great view. of course you need to be under dark skies. This is an old picture taken with a Nikon 50mm lens and film. i don't have the exposure time.

This one has escaped me, and now my eyes probably won't allow it. Drives me crazy because I KNOW where it is supposed to be and I never found it! I don't live where I can look right now, but in the furture I will try again!

@Hathacat Just get under dark skies and if you know the square of Pegasus and off from that to the left is Andromeda, third star to the left and just above the third star upwards. good luck.


And we'll crash into a few hundred thousand years..beautiful..💗

Charlene Level 9 Aug 16, 2019

Would like to see the movie in detail. With the data of Gaia this should be in the works.

@dalefvictor actually it's all slow motion and very little violent fact 95% of stars in either galaxy will not be disturbed whatsoever..wouldn't want to be Any where near the centers of the galaxies though.....2 SMBH colliding..Yikes!!!!

@Charlene I would think it would be incredibly beautiful.

@dalefvictor Incredibly violent more like...

@Charlene True it is one of the only instances of violence I can think of that would be great to actually see. I do not want to experience it, I just would like to see a detailed animation. I was trying to state that the data might be available to portray this.

@dalefvictor Google colliding black holes and colliding galaxies..
They have animated examples..

@Charlene Yes we are on the same page, these are interesting and fun to see.


It may be heavier than Milkyway. which make it closest spirals and shorter size.

allmighty Level 6 Aug 16, 2019

They will collide; the Milky Way may be larger. Will the two be called Milkdromeda or Andro Way? The latter rolls off my tongue better and IMO sounds better.

EdEarl Level 8 Aug 16, 2019

I won’t be around to care!🤪

@EdEarlActually Andromeda is 2× the size and mass of our Galaxy..

@Charlene See Youtube ""The Milky is a monster compared to Andromeda." 3 months ago.


Amazing and beautiful!

Sticks48 Level 9 Aug 16, 2019
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