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Common Misconception 2: Some people say Electric Universe proponents reject the laws of physics.

Answer: Science is the study of patterns in nature to find dependable relationships between causes and effects. As scientists confirm these relationships, they lead to formulations of useful “laws” governing the natural world. No one speaking for the Electric Universe has ever rejected a law of physics. But no law of physics acts alone in nature. Gravity doesn’t disappear just because the electric force affects a charged particle more powerfully.

One of the greatest challenges for science at this time is to make more clear the distinction between a theoretical interpretation and a law. The assumption of an electrically neutral universe is an interpretation, not a law. The assumption that gravity alone rules the cosmos is an interpretation, not a law. The law of gravity does not erase the abundant evidence for electricity in space.

When presented as fact, theoretical guesswork and assumption obstruct scientific progress. They hold the theorist’s attention to a narrow field of view. A broader view can remain hidden for decades.

The fundamental requirement for progress in science is the eagerness to be corrected. The new perspectives proposed by the Electric Universe invite a reconsideration of long-held ideas in the space sciences, in biology, and in the study of human history. Seen from the perspective of scientific progress, every discovery that calls for an adjustment of theory is good news.

yvilletom 8 Sep 8
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Astronomy is a science. I thought this group would be about the Science of Astronomy, and maybe Astrophysics. This post is about Metaphysics.

when you post an unevidenced opinion, please mark it as your opinion.

@yvilletom my statement is obviously an opinion. Shit man, chill!


Dude..please post this bs in the Woo group..

Charlene Level 9 Sep 8, 2019

LeMaitre’s primeval atom? It’s the Bang that’s woo. However, if the Bang’s taxpayer subsidies pay your salary I understand.


Misconception 2 is full of misconceptions.

EdEarl Level 8 Sep 8, 2019

Another unevidenced opinion.

@yvilletom You present no evidence, why should I.

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