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IEugene Bunt
Studied Laser Technology at Schoolcraft CollegeUpdated Nov 22
What is the substance of spacetime?
Einstein explained gravity over one hundred years ago: He said it was warped space-time and told where to look for it, the bending of light in a gravitational field. He explained the bending of light was caused by space rising from the surface of the Sun, as space rises light coming from the background constellation passing close to the surface of the Sun, enters the rising space at a higher level on the far side and as the space rises it exits lower on our side as it travels toward us making, the images of the stars appear as if they are at a wider angle away from the Sun (the gravitation lens effect). He also said time slows in the presence of mass, with rising space coming from the core of the Earth (our gravity source) we move farther, faster toward the gravity source than matter moves away from it. With matter moving toward the core, matter applies pressure on the core, anything put under pressure radiates heat (long-wave energy) in essence elongating the fabric of space vertically to the planet surface which allows light to make longer jumps per second. Change in momentum lags behind the change in velocity.

Light is a two-dimensional phenomenon with length and height devoid of a time element. Light is absorbed and radiated in the electron energy shells: Max Plank proposed that electrons exist at one level or the next without occupying any space between positions to explain the ultraviolet catastrophe. Each element has a unique electron pattern in its energy shell levels, when an element radiates light if there is not an electron to emit a certain color, there will be a black line in the spectrum of that element specific to that element used to identify the element radiating the light. Light coming from massive star redshifts, meaning the black spectral lines will move toward the red end of the spectrum, light stretches between wave-crests. Think of it as if each wave is being created by an object moving directly away from you each wave will Doppler-shift, if the measure of a second is how far light can travel in one second, that is now a greater length. This means the fabric of space is now longer and time is slower because light travels at the same speed for everyone everywhere, but the measure is done with local standards.

Vera Rubin observed in the seventies, that a galaxy has to rotate as a single unit otherwise it would lose its shape in a single rotation. This brought on the search for dark energy or dark matter. What if the missing inertia is caused by moving in more than one direction at the same time? We have stars creating space in the leading galactic arm and from the trailing edge of each arm, you are then moving in multiple directions gaining kinetic energy as does a rotating gyroscope making it harder to move off of its axis of rotation by the kinetic energy contained in the velocity of its rotation. This also explains the expansion of the universe and the homogeneous distribution of matter throughout the universe, where more matter congregates more space is provided.

Eugene Bunt 74yr Howell MI on FB

euG5555 4 Dec 20
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"We have stars creating space in the leading galactic arm and from the trailing edge of each arm"

No we don't create space in the presence of a gravity well.

Space is created in empty space, the larger the void the more space it's creating, space is created by the spontaneous generation of virtual particles pairs with one as matter and the other antimatter which almost immediately annihilate themselves.
We have many voids and supervoids growing like bubbles pushing matter into the web like strands in super structures.

Here's a partial list.

Eridanus Supervoid (Great Void)
Southern Eridanus Void
Fornax Void
Hercules Void

The expansion of the universe is powered by the expansion of space itself and the less matter there is the more space that's created.

Neither galaxies, stars, nor planets create space.
It is the generation of space that we call "Dark Energy"
What's holding the galaxies together is "Dark Matter", but we know less about it than we do dark energy. It doesn't help that there are galaxies that have no dark matter.
I was entertaining the notion that expanding space pushed against galaxies on all sides like water tension on a bubble, but since we have at least nineteen galaxies with no dark matter I was obviously wrong. These galaxies without dark matter are dwarf galaxies that are being pulled apart by larger heavy galaxies, and the dark matter is pulled away before the normal matter. That proves that dark matter is in fact particulate.

So in essence you are exactly and precisely wrong by 180 degrees out.

I write on another site google my name Eugene Bunt. I'm merely explaining my interpretation of what Einstein wrote 100 years ago. It is all backasswards but it adds together nicely. check out Einstein's book 'The evolution of Physics' at about page 120, "rising elevators".

@euG5555 No thanks, I've been doing work with relativity since 1973. My favorite part it the Lorentz transformation for time dilation. Where Ship_Time = Earth_Time / Sqare_root(1 -(VxV/CxC)) where C is the speed of light. I'm American so I use miles which equals 186,282.396 miles per second give or take 7 ten thousandth of a mile.

Actually at this point relativity has become pretty elementary, so my attention is much more into quantum mechanics now. The issue is there's not a single human that understands it and never has been. Quantum electrodynamics (QED), a relativistic quantum field theory of electrodynamics, is among the most stringently tested theories in physics. It works wonderfully but we have little more than a superficial understanding of why it works.
Sorry I don't have a great way to show math on this platform.

The Lorentz transformation (as seen from a horizontal movement) shrinks the photon width but lengthens its wavelength which also means it slows its time rhythm. Time is the measure of how far light can travel in one second. Time slows in the presence of mass, and space elongates as in embedding diagrams. Light is absorbed and radiated by electrons, the electron jumps from one shell to the next without occupying any location between energy levels (Max Plank and the ultraviolet catastrophe) so the photon is probably a square wave. Elements radiating light can be identified by their spectrum, each element has its own unique electron arrangement, if there is not an electron available to radiate a certain color there will be a black line in its spectrum specific to that element. These spectral identification lines will redshift when the light is coming from a massive star, which means light can travel farther when coming from the greater gravity of a massive star. You can think of it as a Doppler shift of light coming from an object moving directly away from you. The fabric of space elongates. Light moves farther between crests, when it meets an electron, the electron will jump farther. Time is measured by how far light can travel in one second, which is now a greater length.

Gravity, which is warped space-time per Einstein has a lot in common with electrons and photons. The distance of the electron energy-shell level from the nucleus of an atom out to the fourth level in multiples of 5.29*10^-11 times 2, 8, 18, 32. The number of electrons at these shell levels corresponds to 2n^2 where n is the shell number starting from closest to the nucleus, or, 2, 8, 18, 32. I would guess a mass-less photon to be a square-wave movement of space segments, because of the way electrons move from one position to the next without occupying any space between positions ( Max Plank “the ultra-violet catastrophe). A photon has two dimensions, length, and height devoid of a time element.

On page 202, in the book, The Evolution of Physics, by Albert Einstein and Leopold Infeld, there is a table of the distance of a falling object from a tower with a height of 256ft; the stone reaches the ground in four seconds.

Time in seconds→ Elevation in feet

0→ 256

1→ 240

2→ 192

3→ 112

4→ 0

Divide the elevation by 8; the results are 32, 30, 24, 14, and 0. The differences between the numbers are 2, 6, 10, and 14. Add the differences together and you have 2, 8, 18, and 32. The similarity in number progression suggests that there is a correspondence between electron energy-shell levels and acceleration over time in a gravitational field.

@euG5555 LOL Not about photons, photons are a special case. This is normal matter. A spacecraft travelling at relativistic speeds shortens in the direction traveled or length, increases in mass and slows down time. It does nothing to width.
In fact time dilation is what curves space toward mass, space always bends toward the place where time passes slowest. If however you were to attempt to reach light speed you'd never get there because you're attempting to accelerate with ever greater mass. At high enough speed the spacecraft would just collapse in on itself to form a quantum black hole.

@Willow_Wisp What do you do in your spare time, sit in a library and read? Not serious really.

@dalefvictor As a kid I wanted to be a Vulcan a large proportion of the time, I was alone anyway most of the time and yes, I lived in the High School Library. My first date was a Wiccan I met in that library.
Is it any wonder I absolutely loved Buffy the vampire slayer?
Teck wasn't part of my childhood, so I had to build my own.
I built a 250 thousand volt Van de Graaff generator and used it to provide the static charge to drive a particle accelerator I made of Pyrex tubes, a refrigerator compressor I used to generate a vacuum, and a 0.003 mm tungsten filament I sealed at one end of a large 3 inch in diameter tube that was 3 feet tall with bees wax.
At the upper end I sealed it with a disk of aluminum with holes drilled in it and covered with aluminum foil and again sealed with bees wax. Every 3 inches along the tube I wrapped bare copper wires that acted as a wave guide and on top I had a tray that served as the target which held up the stainless steal sphere I build out a couple of large metal kitchen bowls about a foot and a half wide, just like the generator.
So the two were set in such a way that the bowls of the accelerator and generator touched. Once I took 120 Volt power through a bridge rectifier and capacitor bank it could be applied directly to the tungsten filament after the generator was up and running and you then had a radiation supply.
I also built an ion engine, and in the attic of our barn I painted the ceiling and walls with portraits of attractive people I saw in magazines.
I joined the Navy at 17 and scored a perfect score on the Navy's test for the Nuclear power program.

I don't know why I wasn't noticed and groomed for better things.
I could have been a lot more, not that my career isn't an endless list of technical accomplishments, but I wanted research and acknowledgement, so I do my own research and accept that I'll never be acknowledged, I mean who does that? Get acknowledged for more often than not being the smartest person in the room? It doesn't happen.
It makes me wonder what would have happened if I had been financed for the education to be a PhD level physicist. It was all I ever wanted to be, until space had positions for someone like me.

Incidentally being homeless and sleeping in your car during a pandemic gives you insight into living in a vehicle with cramped quarters that you can't just abandon. I never want to be a damned astronaut, but I didn't know that then.

So yea Dale F Victor I am a highly qualified and certifiable weirdo, and like Gonzo I'm good with it.

@Willow_Wisp Did you know a man names Vern Stairs, from the nuclear program? He was a friend in high school wh went into this program.

@dalefvictor No I served on the USS Samuel Gompers, a repair tender out of 32nd street San Diego. The name doesn't ring a bell. I got out in 1982.

@Willow_Wisp He would have been way before you. Just thought I would ask.

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