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Bloody cocky!

So you think in the city that you are safe from the flora & fauna?
Forget it. Australian cockatoo develops street bombing tactic armed with heavy pot plants dropped on footpath & cars below balcony where they grew!

FrayedBear 9 Nov 30
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What do you expect from a native Australian animal?

Zealandia Level 8 Dec 1, 2022

Apart from the snakes, spiders, sharks,sting rays, a few fish & jellyfish compared to many places Australia has few human predators. Oh of course the worst are the humans - FNP's & the last 200+ years of genocidal maniacs from just about every other country on the planet.
Australia does not have tigers, lions, babboons, gorillas, wolves or bears (apart from this one & I only growl & shout) like many places.

@FrayedBear Agree, humans are an issue too.

Important to mention the salt and fresh water crocodiles, they’re apex predators!

This bloke’s not happy: []

New Zealand doesn’t have any major predators, other than humans. The katipo spider, you have to work pretty hard to be bitten by one of those.

Keas beat the Cockatoo hands down for vandalism.
There’s footage of keas taking on a cop car.

@Zealandia Was that a German or Dutch tourist idly filming the vandalism to the car? I exploded with "selfish bastards didn't shoo them away". But then in the police car vandalism video I heard Asian voices. The whole world has become #stupid.

Your link however did take me to several other finds, one I have just posted in Feathered Friends. It's far more funny. "I just had to share this!"

I also loved this spoof: []

@Zealandia as for crocodiles we don't get them down here hence why I forgot them. Northern Territory only has a population of around a ¼ million people including the Yankee invasion of marines & spies. Queenslanders also have crocodiles but by residence are all insane & don't count. Western Australians encountering crocodiles also don't count because of their ongoing racism, godbothering (Margaret Court), FNP genocide & cultural destruction & failure to generally uphold human rights particularly in allowing Monsanto's poisonous activities.

@FrayedBear Thanks for the acknowledgment re the clip. It’s absolutely hilarious. What can I say about tourists?

I wondered why the human mortality rate was so low for crocs, Good news that they’re not around the more populated areas of Oz.

I was astonished at the blasé attitude of parents whose kid was nearly taken by a python in Byron Bay.

“We used to check for spiders around the pool, but now we’ll look for snakes,”. FFS!


My cousin works for that TV3 news team, I’ll ask him about the skit.

Mate Matt went to Oz with a demented kiwi version of Steve Irwin. Had no fear at all. Told his mates to stop the rental car in the outback, then ran over to a hole where he’d seen an animal disappear.. Mental kiwi version of Irwin then shoved his arm down the hole, felt around, located whatever it was (Think is was some sort of lizard) and pulled it back up again. Totally ignoring Matt’s pleas to leave the bloody thing alone as it might kill him.

@FrayedBear You mentioned Monsanto and WA. Didn’t know anything about this, so checked it out:

That’s just appalling.

NZ thankfully has a more strict approach:

It is illegal to import GM (genetically modified) seeds and nursery stock into New Zealand without approval from the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA). GMOs are classed as new organisms under the HSNO Act. MPI is responsible for enforcing the HSNO Act at the border, through the Biosecurity Act 1993.

@Zealandia good find on the article. Of course the Monsanto shareholders beginning to realise the exposure of what they have been creating the last 120 years sold the company & liabilities to that other frankenstein organisation owned by the Germans. I'm not sure if the sale was consumated or not.
This link on pesticides & weeds may prove useful:


@FrayedBear I’ll need to check that out too, didn’t know Monsanto had been sold.

Bought by Bayer in 2018, who immediately dumped the name

@Zealandia Why wouldn't they? Not that Bayer's name isn't any better!

@Zealandia the gecko's can give a bit of a nip & one I once saw in a NSW park back of Newcastle was about 10 ' long with a neck about 16" in diameter.


I guess that i won't complain about my cat knocking a salt shaker off the table.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Nov 30, 2022

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