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I personally have a problem with this one. On the one hand I certainly want sick people to get well and be treated and for people to own their own home, get a good education, have decent job but don't feel that it's a RIGHT. Much of the Political Dissention in the U.S. today centers around RIGHTS. Who mandates that some of these things that I think of as a privilege are now a right?

alon 6 June 28
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The classic definition of "right" is that which one automatically has by simply being alive. So life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness are rights, because they are NOT given to you by anyone. Something like health care, while being something good to have, is not and cannot be a right because it requires someone else to provide it to you. If healthcare was a right, then a doctor could not deny it to you under any conditions. This would effectively become the right to enslave, which is evil and must not be tolerated.

ldheinz Level 7 June 29, 2019

Political rights, as understood by the founding fathers of the USA, are rights to actions, not rights to “things.” Rights do not exist at someone else’s expense, as that would violate the rights of someone else. So, there is no right to healthcare or anything else that someone else has to fund.

sfvpool Level 7 June 28, 2019

Are asking about legal rights? Bill of rights? Human rights? Civil Rights? Many of the things you mentioned are "rights" that are given through law...some rights are just human rights but still listed by the UN as basic rights...

I think the opportunity to attain those things are the underlying issue in political dissent...each person has the right to pursue an education...but not necessarily have it paid for by tax dollars...each person should be able to work wherever they want without discrimination based on sex, age, race, etc., but getting the job is their responsibility...they are not OWED a job...they should be able to get shelter but owning a house is a goal, not a right...

I have very mixed feelings on health care...part of it is like you...I don't want people to be sick...or die because they can't afford it...I don't think it is a right to have health care but perhaps the responsibility of a nation to keep its people as healthy as they can even if they are poor...that is what government is responsible for...basic, health, roads, military...we vote on what we want our tax dollars go to (in theory)...I think anything that is not equally attainable through no fault of a person is an issue the government has to address..and they have in the security, medicaid, child protection, etc. It is evolving as the needs of the people the population grows and global impact affect us...

If only the wealthy are able to access medical and health care, we will lose our workers, our young, our elderly, etc. I don't understand the dissension and don't understand why health is not on the same level as military for the safety of our country.

thinktwice Level 8 June 28, 2019

For the most part, privilege sounds like entitlement (at least to me, anyway), that's not good and doesn't help to improve ourselves. I believe in working hard to earn possibilities to fight for opportunities. If housing, education and health care is going to be a guaranteed privilege then why anyone would want to work?. No matter what, someone has to work to produce everything we need to cover basic needs. We will always need food, clothes, services. None of those things are free and never will be. That's how mother nature works.

IamNobody Level 8 June 28, 2019

Do you think the same can be said for children and the elderly or disabled? If they can't work...

@thinktwice children must be protected by their parents, that's their responsibility. Elders in theory will sale into the sunset with the fruit of their life time job savings and last but not least, disabled people should not be the driving force of this topic. We are talking about the average majority in good working condition to contribute for their own good.

@IamNobody I agree that the majority of people want to work and do the things to be productive in society...if parents can't take care of children, we have ways to take care of them as long as the most vulnerable are protected and do not fall through the cracks, our government is doing a good job depending on all of us to contribute and help, first by caring for ourselves, our families, and our communities.

@thinktwice I know several people who draw disability because they are supposedly mentally disabled. I’ve known them all their life and I know that is bullshit as they are perfectly capable of working. Disability is severely abused. Most older people who are a ward of the state are people who worked all their lives and contributed but failed to save for retirement. Yes we do have to look after them and also the truly disabled but we are way to loose with those government handouts.

@Trajan61 I know people that abuse the system as well...and it is a shame because people judge everyone by the few bad apples...the system definitely needs more controls from abuse without taking away from those who really need it...I know they are starting campaigns for people to report abuse, but sometimes the people you report it to are the ones who are also corrupt....they also need to get rid of those fake service animal friend is blind and needs his dog...his trained dog is attacked by fake service dogs when he travels...that is horrid

@Veteran229 I agree...but to think we are going to go back to that time is not realistic...we have to deal with what is happening in most social changes, they have happened over time and it will take time to get back to children are unable to care for the elderly when they can barely get by on their is the saddest thing to see across the globe as well...nostalgia is best left to literature

@Veteran229 Seems fear has caused a lot of societal problems...fear of terrorists, fear of guns, fear of illness, fear of diversity, fear of females, fear of whites, fear of blacks, fear of life...our country is too scattered and disjointed to have any real revolution for change...we can't even get groups together to do anything...sigh...

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Posted by DarrelScottThis sums it up:

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