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Took a kayak class this summer and caught the fever. Just got one of my own- one of my dear friends is an LL Bean retiree and got me a good deal on a kayak from their Estore. I live right on the bank of the Androscoggin River in Topsham Maine so I've been able to take it out and enjoy the tail end of summer out on it. Boat needs a little TLC, some gadgetry... and most importantly I need a bigger paddle (my current one is 223 cm and is not cutting it, need a taller one)

But I'm hooked. This is so much fun. Love the workout, and being in nature simultaneously. Much to explore!

Rooster128 4 Aug 29
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In North Florida while in college (U of F) I built a kayak from plans but made the cockpit long enough to crowd four into it. With one or two it was great fun on rivers and fresh water springs east of the Suwannee River. Never tried three but with four its center of gravity and center of flotation were too close or on wrong side of each other. It rolled over like a log, which was also fun.

yvilletom Level 8 Nov 8, 2019

It's fun

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 29, 2019

Have fun! Great looking kayak & beautiful scenery. Someone stole my kayak over the 4th so I am kinda bummed but have made up for it by cycling...

Heidi68 Level 8 Aug 29, 2019

I kayaked in college in Colorado, but sold my boat when I moved to the Texas panhandle.
Now that I’m a bit closer to some navigable water, I’m interested in one of these foldable kayaks


Haemish1 Level 8 Aug 29, 2019

Looks like a great place to paddle. It'll be interesting to see how late into the fall it's still feasible up there. Maybe a spray skirt and parka? Or does that river I've over?

CallMeDave Level 8 Aug 29, 2019
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Posted by CallMeDaveFlowers are still emerging, and mosquitoes too.

Posted by CallMeDaveFlowers are still emerging, and mosquitoes too.

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Posted by CallMeDaveI've never been a big wildflower person, but this is the season for it here in Appalachia. Other people can identify every variety. I'm not there yet.

Posted by xen0catI started getting into kayaking last year; I have a couple of folding kayaks (Oru brand) that I try to take out in summer months. eastern panhandle of WV area.

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Posted by CallMeDaveNorth Mountain hike with a big crew from Appalachian Trail Club. 15 hikers. 12 miles. (I post mostly so this group doesn't go defunct)

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