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All I want now is my own submarine.

Submarine Hobbyists Help Researchers On Montana's Flathead Lake []

CallMeDave 8 Sep 2
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Listened to this earlier on my drive to the grocery store. Great story!


Cool article!
I’d be happy with just a kayak at this point in time🙂
Flathead lake is gorgeous, if you’ve never been there.

Haemish1 Level 8 Sep 2, 2019

Montana has so many beautiful places!


Welp, that's something I didn't know I needed until right this minute, lol

synergy Level 6 Sep 2, 2019

Exactly. I don't even want to see the price tag.

@CallMeDave I almost bought one for about $7 once, but I got the X-ray glasses instead.

@JimG That would be a real tough choice, especailly around adolescence.

@JimG I guess I'm not the only one who remembers the ad for the submarine that looked real, but was a flat cardboard pop together 🤣

@wolf041 To be honest, I saw those ads in older comic books my uncle had given me, but he's only seven years older than I am. I didn't miss those days by much.


My childhood dream finally realized.

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