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Any birders out here on the west coast want to take a stab at these?

Western Washington and Portland friends, these were taken at Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge on the Columbia River. This could be a fun outing for anyone interested in birds and a day out.

Akfishlady 8 Mar 18
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Ooooh - They're pretty pigeons.....



Flock of giant Canada geese, three whooper swans, adult bald eagle, male breeding ring-necked duck, breeding male northern shoveler duck

birdingnut Level 8 Mar 19, 2018

@Akfishlady I blew up the raptor photo 200% and then hit the magnification icon and this time I could see that the white is only a band at the base of the tail, indicating a harrier hawk, so you're right.


Do they all winter there or are they on their way North.


I own one of the premier birding sites in Central Alberta, it is known as Loaded Lagoon. You can find it on the Calgary Birdwatchers website; it is famous for its diverse waterfowl. I don't take a lot of photos of what I see there but, I spend a lot of hours with field glass or spotting scopes checking it out. Their is organized bus tours to see it, I am fine with these as long as they don't trespass, although when asked I do grant permission.


I suppose i would have to agree with @MrLink. I would venture that it is a bald eagle since the tail appears to be white. Res on my Fire isn't good enough for me to tell what is in the swan foreground. I thought at first that there might be cygnets, then I decide it wasn't, then I gave up.
I'm not from the west coast though. Out in Kansas but yesterday was in Nebraska where I saw the Sandhill Cranes. 🙂

DotLewis Level 7 Mar 19, 2018



I think I also see a coot in the background.

MrLink Level 8 Mar 19, 2018

In gonna guess: greater canada geese; three swans; an eagle of some kind; a ringneck duck, and a shovel duck

MrLink Level 8 Mar 19, 2018
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