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Today is the 49th anniversary of the 1971 Sylmar earthquake. Don't know how many other people are still around who remember that, but it was one of the worst ones that California had in years.

Spudgun 7 Feb 9
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I remember that day, even though I was only 5 years old. My mom's house shook, so hard. When my mom, was running down the hall to get me she looked like she was hopping!


I was in Phoenix then and remember the news about it. Wasn’t there a VA hospital damaged too?

yvilletom Level 8 Apr 18, 2020

Yes. The VA Hospital in Sylmar was almost totally destroyed. I don't remember now whether they rebuilt it or not. When the quake hit, it was about 6 am, and most people were still in bed. I remember dreaming that I was back on the ship (had only been out of the Navy a year and a half) and that we were in a storm. then I woke up. It took me a few seconds, where I was thinking "Well, I could swear I'm awake, but things are still rolling around" and then I completely woke up and realized we were having a really major earthquake. I had to roll over on my stomach and grab both sides of the mattress to keep from getting thrown out of bed. It was the severest earthquake I lived through, and I lived through several of them.


Remember that scary for those there

bobwjr Level 10 Feb 9, 2020

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