

For people who love reading, no matter of the subject.
Topics: Books / Writing / Poetry, Creativity, Hobbies /Interests
18 members, 21 posts, Last Activity: Apr 13, 2024

Minority Heathens

This group is for those that want to discuss the unique challenges that go along with being a religious minority within an ethnic minority group (double whammy). This group is NOT ...
Topics: Activism, Atheism / Agnosticism / Nonbelief, Career, Debate / Argument, Economics / Social Sciences
63 members, 89 posts, Last Activity: Jul 17, 2024

No more war

For those who are antiwar. Who are able to criticise all or any side. Who are disgusted at the profiteering war provides some. A place to post the consequences of war. A place ...
50 members, 239 posts, Last Activity: Jul 26, 2024

Laughter is medicine

All humour is welcome including philosophical satire,taken with a grain of salt. Political jokes and satire are catered for elsewhere so please refraim from posting here. Enjoy a...
62 members, 458 posts, Last Activity: Jul 26, 2024


This is the place for those who cook at home and like to experiment.
Topics: Drink / Food / Diet
107 members, 234 posts, Last Activity: Jun 23, 2024

Nudists & Naturists in 15 hours, 32 mins

A place to share experiences and knowledge about platonic nude recreation. NOTE: The rules on this site for nude photos appears to be a bit more strict here than it is on ...
Topics: Environment, Family, Fitness, Health, Society / Culture
218 members, 434 posts, Last Activity: Jul 25, 2024

P.A.T.C.H. People Against The Christian Hypocrites

This is a site to vent about or disprove Christianity. Any non-Christian pictures, comics, or comments are welcome here. Mainly we concentrate on disproving the bible so atheists ...
Topics: Activism, Atheism / Agnosticism / Nonbelief, Education, Philosophy, Religion / Spiritualism
295 members, 561 posts, Last Activity: Jul 1, 2024


Fans of the music that changed the world starting in the 1950's and Is still evolving nearly 70 years later. Growing-up in the 1950's and 60's was an exciting time of change ...
Topics: Art, Creativity, Fan Groups, Music, Society / Culture
389 members, 9,713 posts, Last Activity: Jul 26, 2024


Meet others and chat. We try to welcome anyone who wants to chat. We know you are overtired and it can make you feel ghastly. All sorts of topics go - but good behavior is...
Topics: Animals / Pets, Family, Health, Hobbies /Interests
561 members, 1,698 posts, Last Activity: Jul 17, 2024

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